The Revelations

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It was a bright, sunny day in a secluded resort situated far away from the failing noise of city life. Rafael and his siblings had retreated to this place, needing to find solace after enduring an extremely fierce encounter at the Parkview Hotel. In one of the generously spacious bedrooms equipped with most lush comforts that their weary bodies needed in such times recuperation found itself resting patiently.

Marie shoved herself out of her comfy bed, gradually waking up from a deep sleep. Her hazel eyes blinked open while she was still pretty confused thanks to the sudden change in where she was staying. The startling truths hitting her had got her jumping out of bed and onto the chilly marble floor below. She took a minute to get what just happened before picking herself back up on two feet again, preparing for whatever comes next with exhausted resolve etched across weary facial features.

"Where am I?" The question sat heavy on her thoughts, occupying a majority of them. She doesn't remember being in this familiar yet unfamiliar environment and the unsettling feeling was irreplaceable. Swallowing the bitter taste of fear, she hastily pushed herself out from under sheets that were not hers.

Charging towards where communication existed, where others lived who may hold the answers to her urgent questions—the outside world., she moved with intent—she needed those much-needed explanations faster than an instant answer or directions provided on an unseen map would take for delivery.

She headed out of her room, walking through mysterious hallways filled with puzzles waiting to be solved. Each step seemed like a move towards understanding something new and unknown.

When she reached their version of the 'living room' - which often had more food than deep conversations going on; there they were - Ryoma and Rio getting ready for breakfast at the patio table.

"Hey, you're up," Ryoma noted, "Grab a bite to eat." "What's gotten into Ms. Kanna and Sir Rafael?" Marie questioned in confusion.

"Oh snap! I forgot about that Monica. They have hunkered down over some work with Aunts Arianna and Nozomi," responded Ryoma causing Marie to dash straight for the study room.

To her utmost amazement, she found herself in the presence of Rafael. Adding to her disbelief was the fact that not just he, but Kanna, Nozomi and Arianna were also there; all converged unexpectedly. It seemed they were engaged in an obscure interaction with a mature woman who struck as exceedingly familiar. The old woman's features bore remarkable resemblance to Arianna's — immediately alerting connections linking them together inside her mind.

"Ah, Marie. I see you've woken," spoke the old woman tenderly.

At the sound of her voice, Marie snapped up from slumber like a student caught napping in class. "Madam Arra?" she questioned incredulously, joy twining with confusion to weave itself across her features as she took in the elder presence before her.

The older lady simply gave a soft nod and extended her arms towards Marie who hesitated no more than an instant before bounding into them – hugging Madam Arra tightly like one does when reuniting with someone dear long lost - or long thought lost "You can't imagine how much I've missed your company," confessed Marie.

"I feel every bit exactly same way my dear," responded Madame Arra warmly.

Nozomi looked bewildered at witnessing such display of warmth between two people relatively stranger for each other until mere minutes ago., "Hold on just a minute... You recognize this elderly figure named Arra Chua?"

Marie softened notably at Nozomi's inquiry and nodded without breaking contact away from holding hands lovingly entwined together., "Yes...I used to encounter Mrs. Chua fairly often back then while working part-time tending barista duties over at local coffee.

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