Vanessa's plan

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Brian Tenara sat alone in his dimly lit apartment, the silence around him almost deafening. His phone lay beside him on the couch, screen dark, no new messages or calls. He glanced at it repeatedly, hoping, praying for a message from Marie — or rather, Monica now, ever since she had reconnected with her father, Rafael. She had changed so much in such a short time. Their once warm and constant communication had dwindled to sporadic exchanges. She was always busy, always somewhere else, both physically and emotionally.

He picked up his phone, stared at it for a moment, and sighed deeply. "I just don't understand," he muttered to himself, running his hand through his tousled hair. "We used to be close, and now... she's always with her family."

The weight of her absence pressed on his chest like a heavy stone. He had tried to keep busy, to distract himself with work and friends, but nothing filled the void she had left. His once vibrant energy had dulled, and the ever-present gloom began to settle deep within him.

As he sank further into his thoughts, the sharp ring of his phone startled him. A quick flicker of hope flashed across his face, only to vanish when he saw the caller ID.

Vanessa Castellano.

She had been trying to reach out more lately, offering her company, suggesting they hang out. At first, he hadn't paid much attention, but recently, with Monica being so distant, he had begun to answer her calls. Vanessa was always there, quick to remind him that she was available when Monica wasn't.

"Brian," came Vanessa's smooth, honeyed voice from the other end of the line. "You home?"

"Yeah," he replied, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

"Mind if I swing by? We could grab a drink. Talk things out, maybe?" she suggested casually, but there was something in her tone—an unspoken undercurrent that made Brian hesitate.

"Uh, I don't know, Vanessa. I'm not really in the mood."

"Come on, it'll be good for you to get out of your head. You've been cooped up for too long, and we're friends, right? I'm just here to help." Her voice was soothing, yet persuasive, like the lure of a warm flame in the cold.

Brian hesitated, but loneliness gnawed at him. "Alright," he said after a pause. "But just for a little bit."

"Great!" Vanessa chirped. "I'll be there in twenty."

Twenty minutes later, Vanessa knocked on Brian's door, and he opened it to find her standing there, looking as put together as ever. Her long dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, her eyes bright with a mischievous glint. She wore a tight-fitting black dress that accentuated her curves, a little more than necessary for a casual visit, but Brian chose not to overthink it.

"Hey, Brian," she said with a warm smile, stepping into his apartment. Her heels clicked lightly on the floor as she walked past him, her perfume lingering in the air.

Brian closed the door and offered a half-hearted smile. "Hey."

Vanessa made herself comfortable, sitting on the couch and crossing her legs. "You look terrible," she teased gently, patting the seat beside her. "Come, sit. Let's talk."

He sighed and sat down, sinking into the cushions. "Yeah, I've been better."

"I can tell," she said, her voice soft, but her eyes sharp as they locked onto him. "You miss her, don't you?"

Brian didn't need to ask who she meant. "Yeah, I do. But it's like she's not the same person anymore. Ever since she became Monica, it's like I don't know her."

Vanessa nodded, her gaze sympathetic. "I get it. It's hard when someone you care about changes, especially when they start prioritizing other things over you."

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