Irrational Treasure

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We open to Dipper opens a door in the train and Durland, who is getting ice, sees the three of them and drops the bucket of ice. Joe, Dipper, Mabel, and a man with no pants run away. They climb up a ladder to get to the emergency escape. The man pulls out a key and starts pressing it against the door even though there's no lock. Joe takes the key from him..

Joe: Give me that!

He Turns the handle and they all run out onto the roof of the train, followed by Blubs and Durland. As the scene pauses.

Oh hey, you're still here. Kudos to you guys for staying to watch this shit show of a summer vacation. Now you're probably thinking "Little Billy said that this was kid friendly show but there is a strange older man in his underwear with three young kids being chased by the cops." There's actually a really good reason why me and my friends are being chased by cops, and why the other guy has no pants. Oh and spoiler warning, this episode is going to have sweet dick-kicking revenge. Or in my case sweet C word-kicking revenge.

The episode begins with the kids eating Corncornos inside Stan's car. Stan is honking while Mabel attaches nachos from her chip bag to her ears.

Mabel: Ha-ha! Nacho earrings. I'm hilarious!

Stan: That's debatable. Aw, come on, what's with all this traffic? And why is it all...covered wagons?

He Realizes in shock and horror.

Stan: Oh no! No! No!

He Pushes gas pedal.

Stan: Not today! Not today!

A few women gasp in the presence of him nearly running them over. He backs up, and begins to drive the car backwards.

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, what's going on?

Joe: You're acting as if the Feds caught you.

Stan: We gotta get outta here... Before it's too late!

He Sees that his car is trapped between a group of covered wagons.

Stan: They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! NOOOOOOOOO!!

Mab Looks outside her window and sees a cow.

Mabel: I've got a good feeling about today.


The kids and Stan get out of the car and walk around an old fashioned-looking Main Street.

Joe: Woh, this place could give Walt Disney a run for his money.

Dipper Holds a postcard up for a second. When he lowers it, the town is a sepia shade, but it is just due to a pane of dirty glass. A worker walks by, holding one end of the pane of dirty glass.

Worker: Dirty glass. We got dirty glass! Dirty glass.

Stan: Ah, boy. It's Pioneer Day. Every year these yahoos dress up like idiots to celebrate the day Gravity Falls was founded.

Toby Approaches Stan as a paperboy.

Toby: Welcome to 1863!

Stan then Pulls up his left sleeve to threaten Toby.

Stan: I will break you, little man!

Toby: Ahh!

He Runs away and crashes into a barrel. Cuts to a view of people doing various activities, panning right. People doing candle dipping.

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