35| Jesus freaks

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I was doing it.

There was no turning back now.

Heather was tying her shirt into a knot and was wearing some spare shorts Emily had brought with her and I was shirtless, ready to be thrown underwater. "It's cold. It's cold." Heather balled up her little hands under her chin and she shivered.

"I told you to stay on the shore, love." I said, grabbing her hand as we made our way into the water.

"No way am I missing this. Are you kidding?" she laughed as if I was crazy. Her hair was brought up on top of her head into a messy bun and even with her hair all messed up she still looked gorgeous. What did I seriously do to have a woman like her? "We're really doing this! This is amazing!" she giggled, clapping her hands then brought her hands suddenly into my face and began giving me a million pecks on the lips.

Liam was the one doing the honors in baptizing me. Honestly, there wasn't anyone I'd like more to do it. He was the jokester friend I never had, not to mention he loved God and he was always ready to spur me with bible verses whenever I need them. Even if it has only been a few months I knew I could actually trust him with a deep dark secret if I were to tell him one. He proved himself to be loyal I guess. "No way this is happening." Liam shivered too as he neared toward us. "Let's get the show on the road." He rubbed both his palms together.

"Ok. Ok." Heather was breathing frantically beside me, gazing up at the sky.

"Love, I'm the one going underwater."

She nodded then as much as she could tired to remain neutral.

"Ok, so let's hope I don't accidentally drown you, alright?" Liam said.

"Dude." I rubbed my temples. This probably wasn't a good idea now that I'm hearing.

"Liam!" Heather shouted, slapping his shoulder in annoyance. "Now is not the time. These waves are crashing onto me. Like ugly." And as if hearing her a wave came and almost knocked her off balance.

"Stay close, Oakley." I grabbed onto her elbow.

"I'm kidding! I'm a trained professional." He laughed, holding up two hands in surrender. "You ready, Holden?" he placed a hand against my chest then in my back.

"As I'll ever be."

"Let's pray."

The three of us hovered together and held each other. "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name; your kingdom come; your will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil" Liam paused. "Amen."

"Amen!" Heather took a breath of relief.

"Ok, moment of truth, Holden." Liam sighed, taking ahold of me from the chest and back again. "Holden have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?"

I did. I knew I did. He's seen me and He has seen me. There was no denying His sanctification in my life.

"Yes." I shut my eyes, just letting the sound of the waves keep captive of my ears only.

With a small grasp of the hand I felt Heather by my side holding me. Then she said, "Because of your faith in Jesus and in obedience of His command, we baptize you, Holden Parker, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." As Heather's words left me I was then lowered backward by Liam and right into the cold water. Once I was there I felt like time stood still. It was suddenly an overwhelming sense of peace. Peace seemed to be the only thing I felt these past days and now this felt beyond peaceful than anything before.

I felt more alive than I ever was.

I didn't realize I was already above water until Liam's voice snapped me out of it. It still felt like I was under the ocean. "Congratulations, bro. Welcome to the squad of Jesus freaks." He gave me a hug then after a second turned to leave as he gazed between Heather and I. As he was leaving he silently punched the air in craziness. Braylee and Emily were jumping up and down, and clapping by the shore.

"You did it!" Heather jumped onto my arms. "Baby, this is amazing." She kissed my lips again for the millionth time today and I pulled her closer to me until she was officially crushed into my chest. We were hugging one another for I don't know how long until she stilled in arms and started pulling away. "Ok, um... Let's...go." She looked down nervously at my chest and then turned around to leave, but then she paused. "I might need..." Before she could finish her sentence a huge wave came and pushed her back into my chest and I grabbed onto her. "Yeah, I definitely need your help." She came back toward me and grabbed onto my bicep.

It was when we were back on the shore that I realized what she had just called me a few seconds ago. "What'd you call me back there?" I asked, raising a teasing brow.

"What?" She laughed, her eyes cast down toward her feet.

"You know what."

"Baby?" she said lowly then turned to look at me. "It was just in spite of the moment."

"You sure about that?"


"I'm not convinced sorry." I smirked, looking as she paused in her steps, and then came to stand directly in front of me. I was terribly amused as I noticed the defeated expression on her face. It was seriously so easy to make her fold. What a gem I get to keep. My haven.

"Ok, fine." Just what I expected.

I wrapped my arm around her little waist and pulled her toward me gently. "Hm...I love it." I placed my nose against hers and her cheeks burned. As much as I loved watching her turn into a red tomato I didn't want to embarrass her more than she already was.

To relieve her from her torture I looked away from her and put my chin above her head right after kissing her forehead.

"I'm proud of you," she said after a second of silence.

"I am too." And then she hit my shoulder playfully.

" And then she hit my shoulder playfully

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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