Heather Oakley Beltran an innocent Christian girl, the most purest and Holden Parker a quiet and serious boy who's completely lost and hurt by his past.
How can two such different souls learn to love one another?
Sometimes all God does is let two c...
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The next morning after we'd gotten back from church my parents and I didn't waste any time to change into our comfy clothes and watch a Disney movie. If it wasn't for Braylee having her family gathering back home we would've gone somewhere else to hangout with Emily and Liam but they were also going to be with the family. They had invited me but I politely declined, wanting to spend some time with my own family which was just my mostly parents. My grandparents and uncles from mom's side lived a little more than two hours away from us so we didn't much have family reunions unless it was a special holiday. As for my dads family they were in Mexico so it was mostly impossible to see them, again only rarely. It was usually just communication through phone.
I laid on the small couch, and reached over the tabletop to grab a handful of popcorn refusing to get off the couch when I was already too cozy wrapped in a blanket. It was when I'd successfully gotten a handful of desired popcorn when two hard knocks on the door startled me and made me loose balance and crash right onto the floor.
That's what I got for being a lazy girl.
"Heather! Are you ok?" Mom propped up from my dad's embrace, looking startled.
"Yup. Totally fine." I half-smiled, holding in the passing pain from the side of my leg.
"You sure, Heidi? You like in pain." Dad tried to suppress a laugh as he spoke.
"Right, sorry. Let me get the door now," he waved a hand and stood up to open the door to the being who caused this incident in the first place. I was up on my feet when my dad strangely waved me over when he stood in front of whoever knocked the door. "It's the boy next door. Holden, you said?" he asked turning back to face him. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the mention of his name. What was Holden doing here, in my house?
I looked over to mom who raised her eyebrows at me cheekily. "Mom." I uttered under my breathe as I went over to see what was going on. The pain on my leg was surely gone now knowing he was here. "Hi," I smiled softly at Holden as I stood beside my dad who didn't once move from his spot. He looked from Holden to me with a stern look on his face and I sighed, knowing exactly what he was thinking.
"Nic?" Mom's voice sounded from inside, calling my dad over and I smiled tenderly at dad in victory who rolled his eyes and walked away hesitantly, giving Holden a final look. A not too friendly one at that.
My attention went back to Holden who stood in front of me, with hands tucked inside his pockets. It looked like he didn't know what to say as he stood there, looking at me. For better privacy and comfort I shut the door behind me making him step back to give room.
"I wanted to apologize," he said after a moment. I was surprised to hear those words. Ultimately I thought he wouldn't ever mention his absence on Friday. He didn't seem the type to admit his faults and apologize. He was very closed and serious most of the time.