18| driving lessons

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"There is simply just no way

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"There is simply just no way." I swung the strap of my backpack onto my shoulder and looked at Holden straight in the eye, trying to look for any gist of a smile in his eyes, that said he was very much joking, but no. He looked dead serious as he watched me, hand on the steering wheel, looking ready as ever to teach me to drive.

I was dying to speak to my dad about this nonsense.

Apparently, yesterday when they had their very important 'man to man' conversation my dad had asked Holden for a bigoo favor. And when I mean bigoo favor I mean an actual bigoo favor. Holden was ordered to teach me how to drive. And pronto, he said. I think I was going to faint from the attack of nerves inside my stomach. Like, of course I'd thought that maybe it was about time to get behind the wheel and start learning, but not so sudden, like right now, right now.

Holden insisted we start today, but I said absolutely not, so this is why I had hopped out of the truck as fast as I could when he informed me of this news. "I'm sorry, but no can do." I grinned slamming the truck passenger door, ready to bolt into my house.

Immediately, I made a run for it when I heard Holden also hop out of the truck. Right away, I threw my backpack onto the grass and made it across the front lawn to grab the hoes and turned them on as quick as possible before he could get any closer. Holden, noticing this, stopped dead on his tracks.

"Oakley..." Holden pressed two palms forward, trying to persuade me to lower down the hoes in which were already running with water.

I held the hoes firmly in my hand in order to shield me from him. There was no way I was stepping into a vehicle today. I had to get mentally ready. "I am not driving today. I will eventually, but...that just won't be right now. I'm not ready." I was so out of breath as I spoke but still managed to get the words out of my mouth, regardless of the breathlessness.

"You won't ever be ready. Your dad says that's always your excuse. So whether you like it or not, you are stepping onto the drivers seat and I will sit in the passenger then we'll start your driving lessons," he said as he gave me a serious look. He made it sound easier said than done. It reminded me of how dad made half of the things sound when in actuality it was the exact opposite. I knew my dad speaking to him wouldn't be a very good idea. Now it seemed Holden was weirdly injected with some dad stuff or something.

"How about you sit on the drivers seat, and I sit on the passengers then you teach me that way," I offered. Obviously, it sounded like a very absurd idea because then how would I learn that way. Still, I hoped for at least a little hope that he would consider the offer.

Holden shook his head slowly, gazing down at me in amusement when I continued holding the hose in my hand. Very tightly, may I add. "Place it down, then we will consider that offer," he said, finally, pointing briefly at the hoes still running with water. I remained still in my spot, afraid to move it even an inch down toward the grass. "Your wasting water, Heather." He lifted a brow when I didn't make a move to lower it.

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