08| daydream

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Braylee messaged me when Holden was already driving us back home

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Braylee messaged me when Holden was already driving us back home. It turned out that her grandparents had went to see her and she got caught up on time. When she mentioned that I couldn't even be mad at her for not showing up. She loved her grandparents to death and after the scare with her grandpa I can't imagine how glad she was to see him.

Braylee: Will be there in thirty for YG. You're inviting lover boy?

I paused and looked up from my phone at Braylee's message, making sure Holden's attention wouldn't be on me or the message. Not that he would for any reason but it was better safe than sorry. I sighed silently as I read the message. It wasn't part of my plan to invite him anymore, but instead wanted him to do it out of his own will. He had the address and details of the church, it was just for him to act and the doors would be wide open for him to join us.

Something nudged me to at least invite him once more, one final time just in case he'd forgotten for any reason.  "Holden?" I spoke, and his head turned to me briefly in acknowledgment before turning back to watch the road. "Have you thought of coming to youth tonight?"

It was quiet for a full thirty seconds before he answered and I held my breath. "You won't give up, will you?" he said teasingly, grinning as he kept his gaze on the road when we turned right into our street.

"Mm, probably not. But again it's your choice. Don't feel pressured."

He took a very big breath as we pulled in front of my house. He laid his head on the headrest, looking up at the trucks celling, looking as if he was deciding on what to say. He looked as if he was in a daydream, watching the roof of the car intently. I was confused for a second before I realized that there was a picture on the closed vanity mirror above him. The only thing I caught out of my angle was a woman with auburn hair and that was all I noticed until he picked his head up and looked straight ahead in front of us. "Ok." he spoke finally. And I couldn't help it, my head snapped toward him in excitement. After what felt like a hundred days he'd agreed. Glory to God! "But..." my smile faltered a little at the 'but' to his sentence. A 'but' could never end good. In this case, I hoped it would end good. "Kidding. I'll be there." he grinned at me.

"You Drat!" I hit the side of his shoulder in annoyance. He really loved pushing buttons towards people. Well so far, only me. Like seriously. I made it a reminder to get him back someday. The thought came so quickly that I didn't realize that I sounded too sure I would still be seeing him 'someday'.

"Drat?" he questioned, looking clearly entertained at the choice of words.

"Don't ask." I reached over the back to grab my bag. "I'll see you at seven?" I grinned up at him as I hopped off the truck.

"Sure, Oakley."

"Okay, Parker." I replied back. I was closing the passenger when I saw the small smile on his mouth before I closed his door. I'd gotten right through my house door when I realized I still had the huge grin stuck on my face.

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