30| other than roses

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The writing was phenomenal

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The writing was phenomenal. I didn't see why it even needed any editing. The first few chapters were already had me so captivated. The characters were written with amazingly great personality, and not to mention the writing style was very unique. And very understandable. And to think Holden wrote this? I was no writer or expert in writing but from my eyes this to me seemed flawless and professional sounding. It was difficult to say if anyone could even take my opinion seriously considering I had no experience in reading different types of novels.

I placed the manuscript down on my desk and looked over my shoulder to check the clock on my bedside table. Holden had unexpectedly messaged me last night when he got home from work that he wouldn't be going to school today, which I found...extremely odd. And not to mention, he didn't even ask to meet him outside his house after he got home from work like we always did. He claimed it was "too late." That excuse alone sounded too unlikely for him to say, so I knew something weird was going on. I just couldn't place my finger in what it was.

My mind went over the possibilities that it could be. The main thing that came to mind was that he'd probably gotten into a terrible argument with his dad at work last night. I doubted it but I wouldn't be surprised.

I really hoped that wasn't the case.

I peeked over my bedroom window only to find that Holden and his dad's car wasn't in the driveway. Nowhere in sight.

I strolled downstairs in hopes to have enough time to eat a small breakfast before Braylee arrived. She had no choice but to come for me when I told her the news that Holden wasn't coming. Sucks for her. She still insists even when I give her gas money. Very ungrateful of her if you ask me.

"Hey, guys." I greeted when I got to the kitchen where both my mom and dad were already drinking and sipping on some coffee. All I could sniff in the air was coffee. I plopped two of my waffles into the toaster and waited patiently in front of it. The last thing I wanted was to burn them just like I'd burned my bread before. I still couldn't believe I'd managed to burn bread. Literal bread.

"Holden coming today?" Mom asked as she placed her empty mug in the sink.

"No. He's not going to school today actually."

"Did he say why?" Dad asked, raising a skeptical brow.

"Nope. It was weird he canceled so suddenly," I said, still keeping a close eye on my waffles.

"Hmm, weird, indeed." My mom uttered under breath, furrowing her brows in the process. They weren't at all helping with my already growing concern of why he out of nowhere had decided to not attend school today and with no reason behind it, may I add. I fought the urge of messaging and asking him.

After my parents left and I had successfully finished making my waffles without them getting burnt Braylee finally messaged me she was outside. "Waffle?" I extended my other waffle to Braylee once I got into her car and gladly, she accepted it, immediately taking a bite of it.

Meant To Be: A Christian RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now