11| butterflies

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It was close to evening when we got out of the restaurant and the sun was almost going down so I insisted to go for a walk along the pier in which Holden didn't get a chance to refuse since I basically dragged him along with me without really asking

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It was close to evening when we got out of the restaurant and the sun was almost going down so I insisted to go for a walk along the pier in which Holden didn't get a chance to refuse since I basically dragged him along with me without really asking. The view was very beautiful. There were pigeons everywhere on the walkway. The orangey hues of the sun reflected on the water beautifully. It was exceptionally delightful. What a amazing creation it was.

We continued walking, Holden quiet at my side watching somewhere off the distance where what looked to be a family rode their bikes. Some were off walking their dogs at the other side of the pier, and it was interesting just getting to analyze them. It made me think what their lives were like. Were they happy, lonely, surrounded by people they love?

As we walked further in silence I decided to question Holden a little more about his mom since he didn't get his chance to talk before. And genuinley, I just wanted to know more about her. About her character and how she was with Holden. "So was your mom the one who taught you about the Bible?" I asked, turning to watch him. He looked up from his feet and then looked over in front of us for a moment before turning his attention again to his feet.

"She was like you in a way. We went to church every Sunday, she dragged me into kid groups to build community, she also got involved there at times with people her age, but that didn't last long until she passed a while later. She was getting right where she wanted to be in her faith but she didn't get to enjoy most of that," he explained soberly, looking off the distance and I couldn't help but look away, feeling the deep dread fill in my heart for Holden's poor mother. The thought lingered in my head if he also yearned to be in the faith journey of following God with her. That would make me very happy to hear.

It devastated me deeply to hear she couldn't enjoy much of the beauty of getting closer to God and not having to experience God's people and love. She sounded like she wanted much more of what He had to offer her. My heart didn't doubt for a moment she was receiving all of that in heaven. It was always in my conscience that the only reason God took the most vulnerable people away was because He knew they would suffer if they endured another moment on this earth. He knew something she or anyone close to her didn't know.

"She's in a better place now, Holden. No doubt. God sometimes takes people away because He doesn't want them to suffer here on earth. He only knows what could've happened if she stayed here with us. He probably saved her from the worst. But I guarantee you she's fulfilling everything she wanted here on earth in heaven." I assured with the sincereness of my heart, hoping he could grasp the words I was telling him in his heart. I felt it deep within me his mother would want him to know that. I could feel the love radiating from heaven right now in this moment. I just sensed it tremendously.

Holden paused, walking over to pier railing gazing off towards the ocean and I stood beside him, gazing off too, letting him find the words to say next. "I don't doubt it either. She probably would've suffered with my own dad or who knows maybe she would've have to witness something more terrible than she endured, but I can't imagine what could be worser than that," he said, brokenness laced in his words. It made me consider asking how she passed. I was afraid to even hear how she did die.

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