The Babysitter | dad!harry x babysitter!reader

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Summary: The cute babysitter Harry's wife hired has always tempted him, but now that his wife is away for the evening Harry might just give in.

Word Count: 2,011

Warning: smut, cheating, implied age gap (your call on how large), inappropriate relationship (both consenting adults)

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Harry was so fucked.

He knew better. A married man on the brink of ruining it all just for a taste of his kid's babysitter. Truly, outrageously fucked.

He arrived home that day, knowing he'd have the house to himself all night with his wife gone out of town for a work trip. Knowing the cute babysitter would still be there, all doe-eyed and shy smiles. She definitely had a crush on him and he couldn't stop thinking about that.

All day at work he went back and forth with the idea of it. The whole 'fuck around and find out' thing was more compelling when he might be able to get away with it. But it wouldn't be worth it, he told himself even though he continued imagining what she'd feel like underneath him.

His actions completely contradicted that sound internal advice.

Because when he saw Y/n all cuddled up on his couch, a sweater draped over her shoulders and her bare legs stretched out long he allowed himself to stare for a moment. He shouldn't have been thinking what he was but he couldn't stop the blood rushing to his cock. He was going straight to hell for the kind of thoughts that were running through his head right then.

She slowly blinked her eyes opened and sat up with a sweet smile, "Hi. How was work?"

God, the cute, bubbly personality on her, even after just waking up from a nap... She hadn't been tainted by years of grueling workplace drama and a sad and lonely marriage like he had and he found it refreshing.

"Was good. Uh," he scratched the back of his neck, keeping his eyes on hers, "Everything go all right today here?"

She nodded and moved her legs off the couch, feet hitting the floor as she nodded, "He's the sweetest. It was a good day. He kept asking for mom so I think he's upset that she wasn't here this morning but I told him she'd be back tomorrow night. Fast asleep now."

But there was something in the way she was looking at him. Like she was just waiting for him to pounce. Rounded eyes, with that shy smile as she bit the edge of her bottom lip. Like she knew what he was thinking, her own mind filled with the same filthy scenarios.

It was late. Harry always got home late on Thursdays. After dark. After his son was already asleep, and usually it was his wife greeting him.

She parted her lips as she let her gaze lower to just below the buckle on his pants and then back up to his eyes.

"Yeah. We'll be okay without her for a night," Harry swallowed thickly as he sat his briefcase down and moved deeper into the living room next to the couch where Y/n was still seated. "What about you?"

"What about me?" She raised her brows as she craned her head to look up at him.

"I mean... you alright too? Still seated like you're tired. You can stay if you want."

She blinked her eyes and then did it again, letting her pupils connect with the space at his crotch before quickly bringing them back upward to his face, "Oh... I can go. I'm sorry..."

Y/n stood up quickly but Harry caught her by her arm, "It's okay. You don't have to go. I just wanted to make sure you're alright. Was really helpful having you stay late tonight."

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