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BJ kicked the rubbish out of his way with his hefty rusty brown Dr. Marten boots and took the stairs up to the fifth floor of the block of the council flat. He stood at number 49 in his faded British Gas polo shirt and worn dark combats. He ran his hand over his comb over as he knocked on the door. He briefly looked at the information he'd written down in his palm to ensure he had the right door.

The hood was the most reliable source of information, whatever it was you wanted to know you'd find out somehow.

There was always a price to disloyalty.

And someone always knew someone who knew someone and so forth.

'You alright love?' He spoke in a thick cockney accent.  'I came to check your meter, can I come in?' He was met by an annoyed looking small Caribbean woman.

'Oh hi, yeah come in.' Her expression quickly broke into a smile. 'Aaron! Turn that rubbish down!' She turned and walked back into her home, allowing BJ to follow closely behind. He winced at the thought of what they were about to do, but it had to be done. Just like Cory's mother had been a pawn in the game Mayhem was playing – the innocent always suffered because of their relation to villains.

'Aaron, do you hear me?!' She screeched from the bottom of the stairs. There was no response, so she sucked her teeth and marched up the stairs. BJ dropped his tool bag and rushed to the balcony, opened the window and allowed Church and Ryan to climbed through masked and carrying weaponry. The three of them heard someone step into the room and all turned around. There a seven year old girl staring up at them in fear; she looked like she was just about to scream. Ryan grabbed her, covering her mouth.

'Aish-' The woman was shocked to find two more additional men in her house, especially in their attire. She automatically started to panic when she saw her daughter in their possession, Aishleigh's eyes looked terrified.

'Look Ms, this ain't nothing personal, don't scream or we will blow your little girl's head off, real talk.'

'W-what do you want.' She slowly raised her hands to surrender.

'Just sit down...' BJ ordered her. 'Is there anyone else in the house apart from you, her and Aaron?'

'How did you kn-' She held her hands over her mouth in horror. 'It's Aaron, isn't it? Please d-d-don't kill him...' Her eyes started to water.

'That's Aaron's choice, we just want to talk to him, as long as he co-operates, I'll spare him.' Ryan replied. Church left the front room and made his way upstairs.

Aaron heard heavy steps coming up the stairs and they alarmed him. He was a paranoid soul and he had every reason to be. He knew that was not his mother or his little sister. His heart raced as he heard them enter his sister's room, he bolted out of his bedroom and down the stairs, heading out of the door. Ryan was standing at the bottom of the stairs and met Aaron with a backhand that sent him straight to the ground. Ryan dragged him off the ground and into the front room.

'What the f*ck is this?' He wiped the blood from his mouth.

'Sit down and shut up and listen...'

'Nah nah, who the f*ck are you man?'

'You're a little yout to me; I could waste you right now.' Ryan raised the sawn off that was in his hands until it was aligned with Aaron's temple. 'If you love your family and you want them to live, sit the f*ck down and listen.' The way Ryan's eyes lit up made BJ chuckle in his head. 'Does this familiar to you, you little f*ck?' Ryan showed Aaron a video from Cory's phone. Whimper of his mother and sister could be heard in the background. Ryan's nostrils were flaring and his chest was heaving.

They all watched the video of Cory's mother being harassed and assaulted.

'We know that you are one of these c*nts.' Ryan spat in his face. BJ stepped in and pushed Ryan back slightly.

Aaron wasn't sure if he should lie, because they evidently already knew of his involvement.

'W-we...we didn't even touch her!' He had a screw face but he sounded like he was pleading. His hands became sweaty.

'You assaulted her!!' Church slammed his hands on the coffee table.


'You caused her to fear the application of immediate and imminent harm! You f*cking shot at her.' Ryan leaned in to swipe Aaron off the sofa, but BJ stepped in his way. 'You're so're so lucky that my brothers have good hearts, cus if it was up to me...' Ryan kissed his teeth and stroked his gun.

'Now son, let's get down to business...we already know you're on of Mayhem's right hand men. All we need to know is where he stashed that cash. You're our man right.' BJ smiled, rubbing his hands together.

'I-I don't know nothing...I don't know what you're talking about.' He avoided their eye contact.

'Really?' Church cocked the back the safety on his gun. 'Are you really that stupid Aaron?'

'Tell them what they want to know Aaron!' His mother began to sob wildly. 'Do something right for once, if you love me. Just...please tell them what they to know...' She clasped her hands together and began to beg her son as though their lives depended on it; and it did.

There was always a price to disloyalty.

© 2013 MrsMadSwag

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