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'You ok?' Maro knew it was a stupid question but it was the first thing that came to his mind. What do you ask someone who just felt a baby kick that they didn't know they were carrying? A baby who's father was someone she was trying to get over. Someone who had plans of bettering themselves and this had popped as a total surprise. She'd been carrying a child for almost 6 months undetected, her body had gone on as it usually would with no signs that it was habouring a foetus.

Zaire felt herself crumble. She cried on the inside, she was screaming and pounding her fists into the ground. On the outside, her chest heaved heavily.

'I need to go.' Was all she said.

'Zai, I'm here for you.'

She put on her shoes and her jacket, grabbed her bag and rushed out of the flat. Maro tried to follow her but she ran down the road, she didn't want to talk to him right now. Zaire walked but she had no idea where she was headed. She heard her phone ringing and knew that Maro was calling her, she ignored his calls. She was in a daze but she had already accepted her fate.

'God is this a test of my strength, or of my faith in you?'

She stopped at the traffic lights and looked up just as the first drop of rain hit the bridge of her nose. Soon enough, it was pouring down with rain. People all around her were hurrying back and forth trying to get to their destinations and out of the rain, somehow it calmed her. Instood she stood still and let the rain fall upon.

'Lord, wash away my sins, let my heart be as pure as the child I'm carrying, just be with me and let everything be ok. I can't do anything without you...I know that now.'  

She suddenly felt calm.

She opened her eyes when she felt the raindrops had lightened. She didn't even realise how long she'd been standing there. She took in her surroundings, and then walked home drenched.

Zaire had even forgotten that Priscilla was moving the rest of her stuff in. She entered her flat and was greeted by dozens upon dozens of boxes in the hallway.

'Pris!' She couldn't move, she had to stop and lean on the wall. She winced loudly as she felt the baby kick again. She couldn't believe this. Zaire was still in utter shock and she was genuinely concerned for her health and her child's.

'Zaire, what's up boo.' Priscilla strolled happily into the hallway. 'Can you beli-' Then she noticed the look on Zaire face. She had the innocent look of confusion on her face. 'Zai, what's wrong?' She moved closer to her friend. Priscilla's chest tightened, something told her that bad news would follow.

'Pris, come here.' She took Priscilla's hand and placed it on the edge of her lower stomach so she could feel the active movements of her unborn child.

Priscilla's mouth fell open and her eyes suddenly filled with tears. Their eyes locked, Zaire breathed out slowly, trying not to lose her composure.

'You- oh my...' Priscilla covered her free hand over her mouth. 'A baby?'

Zaire nodded slowly.

'I didn't know...a-all this time Pris.' She whispered as though she didn't want anyone to hear her. 'Its so so surreal to me.'

'It all makes sense now, I was thinking your body looked different.' Priscilla seemed to be thinking back. 'The baby's kicking already?' Priscilla appeared confused.  'Gosh, you must be what, 4, 5, 6 months gone?'

'I must be! I haven't had sex in ages.'

Priscilla let out a giggle.

'Pris, its not funny! I mean, how could this happen? I'm so confused right now, I was always careful, this is exactly what we were trying to avoid, I was on the pill for goodness sake.'

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