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'So what? You gonna let me sneak into your bedroom tonight just like old times?' Ryan said into the phone in a low voice, causing to Priscilla quiver. She almost giggled but covered it with an intense cough. She could just imagine him biting his thick sexy lips.

'Ry, my supervisor's coming over call me later!' She hissed through the phone before locking off. Ryan chuckled and swivelled around his office chair. This was his 9 to 5, an unlikely occupation for a guy like him but the team knew having legitimate jobs made them look more like normal people, who didn't commit crimes such as they did.

'...however the police have reported to have found a handbag in the boot of the car one of the deceased which was parked nearby this house. A bag with included identification of a female. The police say they are making every effort to get into contact with this female in order to see if she can shed any light on this situation...'

'Fuc-' Ryan's eyes widened in horror and he had to loosen his tie as his heart started racing. He stood up abruptly and stormed towards his manager's office. His eyes were already swelling with tears.

'Sir, I-' Ryan lowered his head humbly.

'Ryan, what could be the matter?' His manager's face was full of concern as she stood up.

'It's my sister, she's been attacked she's bad...' The crocodile tears began to run down his cheeks. 'It's really bad...' His face crumbled up and she embraced him.

'There there hunny, it will be ok, has she been taken to hospital?'

He nodded his head solemnly.

'Well you should go and see her, keep me posted.'

Ryan acted reluctant before he finally left thanking her as he wiped his tears.

He ran to his car, removing his tie completely and unbuttoning his shirt a little, he pressed 2 on his phone which automatically called Cory.

'The f*ck! You seen the news?!'

'Nah, why?'

'Where's Zaire? Where is she?'

'What's wrong?' Cory's eyebrow's furrowed in confusion and he placed Ryan on loudspeaker so that Tickz could hear the conversation.

'They know about her! They know f*ck...was it her bag, her*t!' Tickz could hear Ryan's voice laced with anger and frustration.

'N*gga slow the f*ck down.' Corey mananged to remain calm but inside he was a mess. This was too much for one day. Emotion bubbled within him like an uncontrolled tidal wave.

'The news.' Ryan seemed to calm down somehwhat, 'they said- it said they found a female's bag and it contains all her I'd and shit!'

Tickz kissed his teeth and called BJ, knowing he was at the hopital with Zaire and plus he wasn't sure that Zaire would be with her phone.

BJ looked at Zaire, in his head he prayed it was just a crazy, crazy coincidence.

'Yes... its my bag...' Zaire stared down at her fingers. It finally all made sense to her in a way it was relief. She didn't feel much in that moment. She wasn't scared or angry or anxious. All she felt was the sting of the stab wound and an emptiness that silently horrified her. She could tell everyone else in the room was quietly panicing, she knew what they were like. Yes, they were usually calm but they were all aware of the implications of this predicament that she was in.

There were no words to be said after that. BJ quickly tore the tube that was connected to Zaire and carried her off the bed in her hospital gown. She clung onto BJ as he strode through the ward, the wind blew inbetween her bare toes. Rio walked fast closely behind carrying Keanu in his carseat as they exited the hospital. Zaire was unaware as to what direction they were going, she felt tired all she knew was that BJ was running. And fast.

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