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'Zaire, we can't let you do this!' Tickz came running out with his bloody lip.

'Guys I know you care, I know you do but let me do this please.' Zaire saw the sadness in Rio's eyes as she spoke because he knew she was standing her ground.

'I know Zai, I know we've gotta respect your decision.' Rio had Keanu in his arms, he sighed deeply. 'I need to get Keanu back to Rafiah I think its been enough madness for him for a day, jump in I'll give you a ride.'

'Thanks, and I'll er...see you later T.' She blew Tickz a kiss and took Keanu out of Rio's arms as they walked to Church's car.

Once in the car, Zaire watched Rio strap Keanu into his carseat and decided to sit in the back with him. She stared at Rio through the rearview mirror and saw the concerned look on his face.

'Zai, I don't you to go to prison. But I trust you, you know what you're doing right?'

'That's why I love you Rio, you know me too well.'

Then they sat in silence.

'He's such a good baby, so quiet and peaceful.'

'Yeah once he's been fed.' Rio laughed.

'Rio could you drop me off before you go home to Raf, I can't see her right now I need to just get this all out. I need to do this asap.'

Rio just nodded in response, he didn't bother to argue with her.

'You know I'm always here if you need me, I got you.' She smiled. His words echoed and yet this time it was said in Cory's voice. That b*stard, she despised him passionately. She had his back all this while and this was how he had repaid her.

'You still love him, don't you? And he loves you even more, but you know what Boost is like. He's actually a pyscho, he needs help, guidance. I truly believe you lot having a tiff has sent him on a f*ckrie of a whole new level, like jheeeze he has to work on-'

'Rio, here let me off here.' She blocked out his talk of Cory because she didn't want to hear it. 'Ree, all I can say is what he did to me today has simply empowered me. Take care of my family, I'll see you soon.' She kissed him on the cheek, then gently kissed Keanu before hopping out of the car.

She walked along the pavement and jogged up the stairs of the local police station.


'Hi, how can I help you?' The police officer droned in a bored monotone.

'I saw the new, you've got my bag. I'll tell you everything, just give me my f*cking bag back. My cousin bought that for me.' The officer was slightly taken aback by her forceful tone and her seriously straight facial expression.

His eyebrow furrowed.

'W-w-wait right there.' He walked into the office and came back out with a detective inspector.

'Zaire O-Ola-'

'Zaire Olataiwo. Yes, that's me.'

The detective inspector cleared his throat and looked Zaire over for a moment.

'Come with me, you'll need to make a formal statement.' He used his hand to guide the way. Zaire wasn't fearful one bit.

'F*cking pigs.'

It was 6.322am when Zaire was finally given all her possessions in a large transparent plastic bag and authorised to leave the police station, she yawned as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight. It was only then that she noticed that the oversized Levi jeans jacket she was wearing that Chantelle had given her smelt peculiar.

'B*tch.' She muttered.

'Hurry the f*ck up!' Priscilla blew on her horn like a crazy woman.

'Sorry man, I was daydreaming.'

'For f*ck sake Zai, I hate being your friend and loving you so much. I was snuggled in bed with Ry.' She sulked.

'Awww Pris! You know he'll never love you the way I do.' Zaire kissed her friend's cheek. 'I really appreciate you Pris, thanks for always been there for me.'

'Hmm, you're welcome.' Priscilla smirked.

'She's getting gaaaassed!' Zaire teased.

'How can you be so relaxed and calm?! After you've just exited a police station.'

'Well I've given my statement and that's that.' Zaire dusted her hands off, feeling satisfied.

'So err...' Priscilla drove off, zooming past a red light. 'What did you tell them?' She asked in a hushed voice.

'The truth.' Zaire smiled. 'Some random guys stole my bag, I didn't get to see their faces properly. I was going home when it happened and that was it. They really grilled me boy. They asked how I got home, what route I took, who I was with, where I was coming from. I'm so thankful that they didn't see my wound. They were so into my business eurgh! I'm even surprised they gave me my bag and all that back. Are they even allowed to do that?'

Priscilla shrugged, laughing.

'Its over Pris, its finally over.'

'Zaire, my friend. Jesus really loves you.'

'Oh I know. I know.'

Zaire knew she'd have to take another day off work because she needed to sort out this screw up which she called her life. She slept for a couple of hours then get washed and dressed and headed to Maro's home. It was about half an hour's walk from Priscilla's house. She'd left her friend sleeping soundly in Ryan's arms.

She pressed the buzzer for his apartment.

'Hello?' She recognised Fola's voice.

'Hey...its me Zaire.'

There was silence.

'Come up.' He finally send, opening the door so she could enter the apartment building. When she finally reached their flat she greeted Fola who informed her that Maro was in his bedroom.

She knocked on the door.

'Yeah, come in.'

'Maro.' She said quietly.

'Zaire?' He appeared surprised to see her.

'I couldn't sleep, I'm so sorry for what I put you through yesterday...I saw that look in your eyes when you saw-

'Zaire, listen this situation isn't ideal. I don't know much but from what I've seen and heard you're involved in some deep sh*'re like most peculiar, weird, craziest girl I've ever known. All this mad sh*t happens when I'm around you and it leaves me baffled but I don't bother to ask cus sometimes I think I'd rather not know. But what happened to you really didn't deserve that. I'm sorry I was too out of it to protect you. No one should be hurting you like that. To be brutally honest, I don't want to be dragged into your sh*t cus it could put my life in danger but that means f*ck all since I've grown to care about you and I'm your friend. I don't really know what else to say.' He scratched his head and she couldn't help but smile. 'This kind of sucks.'

'Maro, I just wanted to apologise for dragging you into the mess of my life and putting you in harm's way. I-I erm everythings gonna change cus its all doing my head in! I literally don't know how much more I can st-'

'Shhh come 'ere.' He kissed her forehead and embraced her.

© 2012 MrsMadSwag

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