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Priscilla caught Zaire's eye just as she glanced at her, they laughed knowing that they had noticed the same thing at the same time. Cory was wearing a jeans shirt buttoned all the way to the top. He never dressed like that, it was funny because it was very unusual of him, making an effort like that. Zaire wasn't sure if she thought it suited him or not.

Ryan's protege, Seyi came through bringing more leery boys, alcohol and drugs. Zaire was surprised that Ryan wasn't having a massive party.

'Where the hoes at? Hey ladies.' The guys all said hi to her, she recognised most of them. A few of the threw themselvesof the sofa between Priscilla and her, offering them drinks amongst other things. Her and Priscilla were literally part of the mandem.

Prince slipped his hand into his jeans, sitting back while chewing wildly on some gum. '

'We need to hang around with more girls.' Priscilla commented as she observed her surroundings. They  were both very use to days such as these. Zaire just laughed weakly, Priscilla raised an eyebrow discreetly as Zaire's forced laughter. She knew her mind was elsewhere. Zaire was looking at Cory and had seen how he'd loosened up around the guys. She stared and wondered...of allt he thigns she wondered, she wondered most about how she'd tell him about their baby and what he would say. In her mind, her imagination went wild with thoughts of his reactions. She was horrified at times, overjoyed at times and also so depressed at times. She couldn't predict this human being. She went to the kitchen and found something to snack on, she walked about into the living room bopping her head to the music and caught a guy staring at her. He was one of the few she didn't know and hadn't seen before. He was staring at her with a perverted look on his face as though he was undressing her visually, he probably thought he looked sexy. She cringed inwardly, and gave her a blank expression before sitting on Seyi's lap as he had taken her seat.

Ever since Zaire had told her close girlfriends about the news of her unexpected pregnancy, things had been a bit weird between her and Elizabeth. As she knew, they would all need time to actually absorb  the news and she wasn't surprised that Elizabeth took it the hardest. She just asked God for patience for them all and knew that time was a great healer. So when she saw Elizabeth's name on her phone screen as it vibrated, she was filled with feelings of anxiety but some sort of relief also.  

It was about an hour before Ryan's birthday, he seemed to be having a good time so Zaire was happy but she wasn't really in the mood to interact. She made her way to his bathroom where the sound of his speakers were muffled.



'I, erm, how-'

'I had to call you because you're all I can think about right now. I'm mad at you, I'm angry, I'm frustrated, I'm so so disappointed and I don't mean to patronise you either. Arghhh, I'm trying to understand what's going on in your head for f*ck sake!This is too messed up for words. It's truly hurting me how you are hurting yourself...' She could hear how Elizabeth's breathing pattern had altered, Zaire knew she was crying. Everyone seemed so upset by this but her. Or maybe it was that she didn't display it so overtly. 'This guy stabbed you. He stabbed you! He's sick, he makes me sick! And you're going to have a baby by him! You need to stay away from him, you really do...I mean how can you love him, you must be crazily in love with him to think everything's fine. Zai, how can you be so calm? I'm scared for you I really am.' Elizabeth had always been the voice of reason but right now she was making Zaire feel so low. 'I'm not even trying to beat you down but I have to tell you the truth, I love you. I mean I know you're going to have this child and it will be a blessing but we need to be realistic about this situation, what kind of father is he going to be, he could have killed you. As in taken your life because of his bloody temper, it used to be funny but that just...I dunno. And how the hell can Priscilla text me telling me you slept with him AGAIN? What the actual f*ck! I swear you should have pressed charges on his rarse in the first place. Zaire, that was the last straw, he can't even love you, he CANNOT...why you hurting yourself like this? Why you just giving him all of you so easily and getting nothing back. You're killing yourself, he's killing you...and you're letting him. I can't imagine how you feel inside but the thought of what you're going yourself the heartbeart baby girl. Save your heart for someone who deserves it, for real...' Zaire wasn't even mad that Priscilla had told Elizabeth that's what they usually did anyway, they were girls they told each other one another's business as though it was their own. But Elizabeth's words had really touched Zaire, she could hear Elizabeth's pain as though she was in Zaire's shoes. It was like her friends always carried her burdens on their own shoulders.

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