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She needed something more to keep her laughing because she didn't want to have to think about her actions or what Cory's own reaction would be. Yes, she feared the consequences greatly yet she refused to live her life with regret. She had to show him that she had feelings too and that she also deserved respect.

"My nicca!" Maro screamed into Zaire's phone.

"Hey Mr-ghetto-name!" He made her feel so comfortable effortlessly; she and Maro were always going on like they'd known each other for a long time. As though they were childhood friend. Personally, Zaire was sure that Maro had this affect on everyone.

"Guuuuurrrrlllll!" He squealed, making her chuckled.

"Sorry for calling you so early, its just I'm always busy and I didn't want you to think I was neglecting my new friend." She hailed the bus to stop at the bus stop and climbed on then paid her fare.

"It's cool; you fish I've been out on back to back all nighters and had this essay to finish for today. I like how you said new friend cah I love my life and knowing Boost he won't appreciate us being more than that." Zaire tried to remained calm, even now; Cory had some control over her. What a b*stard, she thought to herself. It angered her even more that she knew Maro was right about he'd said. "And I want to apologise for the other day, I didn't mean to call you his b*'s just what I've heard."

"Arghh, Maro its cool lets not discuss...Boost please. Anyway, if I'm a fish, then you're the chips beside me, no vinegar."

He laughed too loudly; Zaire had to hold the phone away from her ear. Then he stopped abruptly and said "dead".

"Whatever Maro! And aren't you a wild one...back to back all nighters yeah? I actually like the sound of that."

"I got stamina you know, especially when it comes to dancing."

"So do I! I'm gonna hold you to that, watch!"

"B*tch you ain't got sh*t on me!" There was loud shuffling in the background and Zaire could hear Maro mumbling profanities.

"What's going on there?" She chuckled.

"My flat mates, these little b*tches are unruly you know."

"You have flat mates? Do all of you go to university?"

"Yes we do pretty lady, Fola and I attend Queen Mary and Leon goes to KingsCollege."

"Wow, get you! I'm impressed. So what do you study?"

"I st- hold on Zai, hope you don't mind me calling you that's, sounds cute, anyway need to discipline these fools."

"It's fine."

Zaire laughed as she heard loud shrieking, and the sound of Maro beating his friends and them hitting him back.

"Arghhhh!" She heard him running and he sounded out of breath. "I had to get out of that mad house!"

"Maro? Are you sure the house is mad and it's not you?"

"What you tryna say, huh?" He pretended to be angry.

"I just said it." They both burst into laughter.

"And as you asked I study History and Politics."

"Wow Maro, your mum must be proud of you. I am anyway."

"Awww gurrlll!" He squealed. "Yeah, my ma's proud of me, I'm the golden boy of the family."

"Hmm really?"

"Yes, I'm the youngest. I have two older brothers and an older sister. One of my brothers is in prison; my other brother already has two children by two different women *coughs* slags *coughs* and well my sister, Yara, she and my mum have a versatile relationship. Sometimes it's good and fine and sometimes it's not. And when it's not well..." He sighed but he was slyly laughing at the same time.

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