7.) Unbelievable

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Christopher Maurice Brown

I laid wildly across my bed after waking up late due to me getting home late last night. After leaving the dance studio with Crystal we just walked around downtown where it was busy and was bright with city lights.

I actually had a pretty good night and I wasn't surprised to find out that we had a lot in common besides the fact that we can both dance including that we both played sports in high school, both of our favorite colors are red, and we both agree that if we had to get rid of one between a black, green, or gray trash-can and Iggy Azalea- Iggy'd be out. No shade, she had a run when her little single came out last year, but to be honest what'd she have going for her after that?

No comment? I'm sure.

But overall we had a good conversation and it was entertaining. She's a blast with an extremely bright personality.

As for Sarai, she didn't text or call me last night nor did she just pop up at my house. I was thankful because I meant what I said. I'm losing hope for us so at this point if someone was to say there would never be a Chris & Sarai I wouldn't deny or validate it since I honestly don't know what the future holds for us.

I rolled over in bed to look at my phone that was sitting on the nightstand to see only a few notifications from Instagram letting me know I received direct messages from a few people and text messages from Ty and Crystal.

brooo saturday night was lit! we gotta go out again sooner! you tryna hit up the club tonight? -Ty, 10:26AM

I rolled my eyes at the text since of course he'd say Saturday was fun- he was drunk off his ass. I doubt he even remembered what happened.

not tonight man I may have a late night at the shop Monday's can be busy sometimes -Me, 11:02

I then read the text Crystal sent to me and she sent me a good morning text.

good morning beautiful -Me, 11:03

After sending the text I stood to my feet to go wash my face and get in the shower and all that.

While standing under the water in the shower I got lost in my thoughts.

My mind drifted off to what may happen if I don't go with Ty tonight. He's been having serious drinking problems lately and I wouldn't want for him to do something he'd regret. Thinking about it for a while longer I decide he's a grown man and he can hold his own.

I step out of the shower and get dressed ready to continue on with my day.


Like expected my day in the shop was pretty busy so I was occupied all day and didn't even have time to take a break to check my phone or anything. All I could do was sit making small talk with customers while giving people whatever tattoo they wanted. I had light music playing, too, since I didn't want to get too distracted.

"Shit," the guy gritted his teeth at the pain from me coloring in his tattoo.

"Almost done," I whispered while coloring intently to make sure I didn't go outside the line. I mean, we learned that way back in Kindergarten that we shouldn't color outside the lines. It's paying off for me now.

After spending a few more minutes coloring in to make sure the tattoo was nice and dark I let him know that I was done then gave him the directions on what to do when he got home including making sure he put ointment on it.

"Aight thanks man," he shook my hand after giving me the money then he left.

I sighed and sat down exhausted. I gave myself exactly a minute to get myself together before I got up to let the next customer know they could come into the back room where all the work gets done.

Opening the door I stuck my head out and said "Nex-" then stopped myself.

"Man, bring ya ass." I laughed as I gave my nigga Aug dap.

"Wassup," he gave me his goofy smile as we walked into the back room.

"Nigga what it look like? Work. That's all I ever do lately, really. But whatchu doing here? Getting another tat?"

"Nah, not yet. I'm stopping by cause I got bored as shit and wanted to hang, but surprisingly you got customers. It's Monday why these people not at work?"

"The question is why are YOU not at work. Don't tell me you got fired?"

He laughed and shook his head. "Nah, nah I ain't get fired, but I did get me a bitch to fuck while on the job."

"Man you fuckin while at work? Who? A co-worker?"

"No the damn manager. I'm fucking my boss!"

I laughed loudly. No scratch that- a nigga started cackling I thought it was so funny!

"Your boss!? Ain't she married?" I asked him remembering a time when he told me and the guys about her nigga coming in the car-shop whiling accusing her of cheating on him and I'm not surprised. What does he expect? She owns a car-shop full of male workers aside from the females working in the Auto-Zone connected to the shop plus she's cheating on him now, so, who says she wasn't back when he was accusing her?

"Man if she don't care I don't either."

I shook my head at him. "Man, you a mess. What if somebody was fucking ya girl? How'd you feel?"

"I ain't gotta worry about that right now. I'm living the single life and I'm loving it."

"You do know you need to settle down eventually right?"

"Key word- eventually. I gotta while until the time comes so I'm gon just do me for now. Fuck bitches, get money ya feel me?"

"Boy get outta here," I shoved him out of the room laughing. "I gotta get back to work."

"Yeah, you do that, but I'll hit you up later aight?"

"Aight man, see you."

Once he leaves and the next actual customers comes back to the room I think as I draw what the person asked for. It's funny how niggas and bitches do the same things.

I always heard the term 'niggas gon be niggas,' but in this day and age girls are doing the same shit. My nigga cool with fucking someone he knows is taken while I've experienced being cheated on - sort of. To me, we should have been keeping our loyalty to each other, but on the opposite side other decisions were made. I don't know I guess I just think it's unbelievable how people can cheat on others like it's nothing.


I got a phone call from my mom this morning and we been talking for about an hour now about nothing really. I think my mom just likes hearing my voice or being in my presence cause when we're around each other she drags the time out and it's the same with phone calls.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I saw that friend of yours earlier in Walgreens. He was with that girl you used to always bring around. What's her name? Sarah?"

"Sarai?" I asked knowing it was her. My mom always fucks up her name.

"Oh yes her. She looked gorgeous as always. She's so pretty with no make up Christopher, don't ya think?"

"Yeah, yeah," I hurried off of this topic since my mom would give me a speech on why we should be together like she always does. My mom doesn't even know how I feel about Sarai and she thinks we should be together. She claims from the way we act with each other to our height difference that we're "perfect for each other." I mean, maybe we are, but I guess we'll never know since SOMEBODY won't give me a chance. Remembering she mentioned Sarai was with one of my friends I ask which one.

"It was Michael. You know the one with the weird nickname? You call him Tiger right?"

I laugh lightly and correct her. "Tyga, ma."

"Whatever, but I saw him and Sarai together early this morning. I didn't know they were friends."

"Yeah me either," I mumble to myself.

I knew I should've went out with Ty.

What the fuck happened last night?

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