10.) Sober

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Christopher Maurice Brown

"Bro, you were right about Ty on Monday. One of us should have gone out with him. He kept butt-calling me throughout the night and it was pissing my girl off. She thought I saved another chick's number under Ty's name," Sean shook his head in annoyance.

"I expected more to happen since we weren't there. He acts a fool when we're around so imagine how he was when we weren't?" Kid mentioned and he was right. Ty's drinking problem has become lethal and he can't seem to control himself. I know something went down while he was out alone and we gotta find out about it.

"He was probably doing the same shit," Sean replied. "Acting a fool."

"Man, Ty's a grown ass man he can hold his own. If he does some shit while he's out alone that's on him. He gotta learn that drinking ain't the answer to problems," August jumped in.

"Nah, as his friends we gotta prevent anything from happening for him."

They all looked over at me after I responded to what Aug said. With a raised eyebrow Kid asked me, "So what we gone do to help our nigga?"

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that we gotta tell him about all the dumb shit he does while under the influence. We gotta affect him enough that he'll chill down on it," I suggested.

"Aight so when we planning on doing this?" Kid asked for clarification.

"This needa get done ASAP," Aug answered.

"Let's head to his place now then."

We all stood to our feet and left out of my apartment. We always seem to end up here when we're hanging out in a group, but I don't really mind. It's usually funny when we're all together cause we act like a group of clowns just having a good time laughing/joking around.

On the car ride to Ty's place I thought back to last night and as expected, my hopes to get answers from Sarai were shot down. Excuses is all she gave me just like always and I'm really starting to ask myself why do I deal with this shit?

When finally in front of his house, we all hop out of Sean's truck and run up into Ty's porch like a stampede. Why we're running and all so anxious? I have no idea.

Once we get to the porch Aug knocks on the door with a beat and of course we all start adding something to it which made us start to get really into it. As soon as Sean was about to spit bars the front door swung open for us to see a frowning Ty.

"Fuck y'all doing here?" He asks while opening the door wider for us to come inside.

"You pop up on all of us sometimes so shut the hell up," Kid says then slams the front door shut following us all to Ty's living room.

On the couch was a big blanket and on the TV screen he had some random movie on.

As I plop down onto the couch I ask Ty, "Whatchu up to in here?"

"Shit," he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly while flicking through the channels with the remote.

Looking interested in the guide on the screen Sean says, "Aye man go back up."

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