Older guys ...

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Chapter 46 

" so you know that guy who always walks around the front of the school, he's in year 12 but damn!" I said , laughing and looking over at him.

" so you like older guys?" he asked , looking slightly horrified.

" well yeah kinda ..., this is my number 3 by the way" I said , confused.

" ohh... thank god! I was gunna say Nazz really ?" he laughed, " and I'm also a year older, I couldn't get into the year above us so I'm repeating year 10"

" really?" I said in disbelief.

" yep, now name your other two, go!"

" urghh... you know Felix?"

" really? That skinny guy, wow!" he said, pissing him self laughing that I liked a skinny guy.

" says you the twig you are!"

" yeah but I at least have muscle!" he grinned , patting my head.

I grabbed his hand easily and held onto it.

" ok... now number one" he said.

" ermmm, no" I said firmly.

" what, no !" he said, looking at me sharply.

" yes, you only did two because I cut you off, I keep number 1 secret ok !"

" no! Tell me !"

" no!" , his hand twisted out of my own. And he began to rub the back of my neck !

" Nazz tell me!" he pleaded.

" stop it !" I yelled, kicking my feet on the wall.

" don't kick Nazz, please tell me , please!" he moved his face closer to mine.

" mmmmmm, NO!" I squirmed, stiffening my legs.

" well then!" he said , deepening his voice to sound similar to that of Smaug.

He moved so quickly I didn't even know how it happened. He flipped himself somehow from his head being next to my own to being on top of my torso.

Tickling me.

" god fuck no! STOP!" I screamed.


poor felix haha , not his fault he's skinny haha

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