the painful realisation

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Chapter 26 

I guess after I cried myself to sleep that night, I had a realisation.

If he dissent love you, like you love him. Be his best friend instead... maybe he'll be the best friend you've ever had...

I did just that.

Days turned into weeks , weeks turned into months... then 4 months later...

They were still going out. According to Noodle nothing had happened between them as far as kissing or anything further. I didn't really believe that.

I tried to avoid Amelia at school , or anywhere for that matter. In Tech Classes she partnered up with his constantly... I mean do you really need a hug during food tech... fucking hell.

As far as Connie and Eve were concerned , I was doing just fine and was just being my quiet self. They knew I felt down, but they did their best to cheer me up, like the good friends they were. They made me feel welcome and could always make me smile.

So could Noodle, most nights we talked. He was always up for a chat... and always ready to talk about himself, but was willing to listen to me as well. Sometimes he'd role play with me, sometimes he'd show me new music, and other times he'd just talk with me. During the holidays we role played nearly every day .

I was always excited to hear the little sound of a message being received. I loved it even more when I could see him typing, I loved his point of view...

The Soccer practices we had were becoming fewer... if he didn't forget about them (because he stayed up too long talking to Amelia the previous night) , he couldn't make it ( due to a date with Amelia).

Being the best friend was a hard job , I cried most lunch times when I saw them. I annoyed the girls in the bathroom for taking such a long time... but oh well. It was painful to think that I was never going to be seen as a potential lover... or ever had been...

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