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Jana perched on the edge of the window, her feet hanging off the edges as she griped the ledge with her hands. Sliding one of her hands along the wall near her bedroom window, she clung onto the vines that twisted near the drain pipes. The green leaves intertwined up and around the pipe providing her with an easy escape.

She shuffled her body closer to the pane of the window until she was as close to the vines she possibly could get, while still being on the ledge. Threading her fingers through the plant and gripping it tight, she swung her body around and onto the entwined stems. Her hand and feet finding a sturdy purchase within the rope like plants.

Making sure her grip was secure, she slowly started climbing down, her feet getting stuck in the vines as she traveled downwards. The climb was one she had been doing for the past 10 years of her life. It was so familiar to her she could almost do it with her eyes closed.

At the age of 10 Jana had moved into her room but had not started sneaking out until she turned 13 when her dating prospects had first began. At the dawn of her teenage years Jana had been riddled with a series of introductions to hopeful mates. That fateful day had marked the beginning of her relationship with the drain pipe she currently clung to.

In all her years of manoeuvring along the vines she had only been caught by Neema once. At the age of 16 she had become much more rebellious and careless.

Her sneaking was no longer mindful of being caught, it was as if she flirted with the notion. Jana had thought she was so victorious because she had successfully made it outside the walls of the compound for the first time without being caught. On her return Jana had walked into her room and had been scared witless by the sight of Neema patiently sitting on her bed.

She had been caught red handed. Her body was filthy with mud and her hair was standing on end, also covered with mud. Her only salvation was that she hadn't used the window to get back in, which was why 7 years down the line she could still use it now.

Even though she was a grown woman of 23 years and beyond the scope of parent control. She lived in Neema's compound under Khan's rule. There really was no alluding the child treatment she constantly received.

Khan was approaching 200 and Neema was in her early thirties. To them she still was a pup. Which was all good and well when she wanted to get her own way but when she wanted some independence there really was no hope.

Creeping about was something she did in her former years but at the age of 23 she longed to have the right to wander around whenever she felt like it.

Her age was of no consequence when she was still but a human.

No matter how much her family loved her, she would always be weak because she was not a wolf. It was the cold hard facts. Humans were weaker than wolves which was why she had to creep out of her window to go to the forest.

While her younger sisters were able to go on midnight runs and daytime runs. They were just allowed to run wild, while she was cooped up. Though they were typically accompanied by someone, when they were caught out by themselves there wasn't world wars started in their name.

Puffing out a sigh Jana jumped down from the remaining vines and dusted of her hands. She took of at a deadly run across the courtyard and I to the forest that lined the garden of the compound.

Once she reached the edge of the garden area she flung off her shoes and placed them by the tree. Running bare foot was the only way she would step foot in the forest. The feel of the mud and grass between her toes was one of her favourite sensations. She also found it was easier to wash her feet from mud than it was to clean her boots.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now