Rough Start

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Jana slowly came awake as the the car pulled to a stop. Outside the car window everything was dark except for the pale hue of the moon. The sliver of light gave no inclination as to where they had stopped.

Jana was aware that the sound of nightlife was much more prominent then if she were behind the walls of a compound. It was as if they were in the middle of a forest.

At Simeon's prompting she slowly dragged her lethargic body from the car. Grabbing one of her few bags from the floor of the car.

Her feet crunched on what she assumed was a twig. Implying that her early thoughts had some merit.

Trees rustled near by putting any remaining doubts she had of her whereabouts to rest. She was undoubtedly in a forest somewhere.

To think she had traveled miles and miles to only wind up back in another forest, the irony did not allude her.

"Is there a reason we are here" came Jana's quizzical voice as she tried to gain the attention of any of the males.

Keith walked past her, giving no indication that he could see her let alone hear her. It was a blatant and unwarranted snub, for which only served to agitate Jana further.

His bulky body leaned across the driver seat as he fiddled with something within the car. Sharp lights filtered into the night, cloying onto the shadows and revealing nothing knew.

Jana was right to assume they were in a forest, the car lights revealed rows and rows of tall trees and bushes. The shrubbery was in its most rural and natural form, the bushes were not groomed and the trees grew in billowing directions. Their tall arms forming a canopy across the sky.


Shouted Jana as she marched around the side of the car to reach the boot where he and Jared stood. Their heads were leaning close together as they spoke in hushed whispers, arms gesturing to the cargo that remained partially unloaded.

"Hello, is anybody listening." Growled Jana, her arms folded as she met both with a murderous glare.

Not that either of them were paying her much attention. No, they were much too busy with their secretive conversation to notice Jana stomping off into the forest. Curse words flying from her mouth as she traipsed through the wilderness with nothing but her bag on her back.

Her feet kicked up a storm as she treaded on roots and disturbed all the sleeping animals.

Her arms swiping out at the random branches that appeared in her path, her arms snapping at them a lot more aggressively than warranted. Her anger with the situation was taken out on the poor unsuspecting wild life.

Jana stopped in the middle of a small clearing, her arms rested along her hips as she panted into the night. She took in as much scenery as possible. As her eyes adjusted to the natural light of the moon she saw things that were previously hidden to her.

What once looked like natural wilderness was riddled with a few man made structures. Pipes ran along the bed of the forest and barbed-wire was intertwined with the branches and bushes.

The adjustments were so subtle Jana thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, looking for a rainbow at the end of this catastrophe of a storm.

"Jana, what the hell are you doing traipsing though the godamn forest like that."

Gritted Simeon as he appeared through the bushes she had just come through. His appearance was probably as disheveled as hers was, his short locks had escaped from the band they were in and had remnants of plants in it.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now