The light

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10 Months Later

He had been gone for long. Days had turned into weeks and weeks months. Time had gotten away from him, slipping through his fingers as he traipsed up and down the country in search of this hidden base. It had taken them four months, four months of living in sub par conditions and always being on the look out- to find this place.

Even then they had spent a ridiculous amount of time scouting the place to figure out what it was they were seeing and when they had entered mouths had hit the floor because it was deserted. Not a soul in sight but they had left behind a mountain of information. Information that had taken them another few months to decipher and then they had gone elsewhere. They hadn't stopped moving until his anger had been sedated and his need for revenge abated.

In the dark hours of night when he had lay beneath the canopy of stars, his soul had cried because his need for revenge had died a long time ago but he had clung to the past. It had dried up the moment he had begun to see how his consuming need was affecting his daughter, his mate. It had died and he hadn't realised it until it was too late.

He had made a commitment and so they kept moving, his feet running as his soul became heavier and heavier. Mornings became unbearable but the nights, the nights were worse because the moment his eyelids slid closed images of them filled his mind.

It was never the same image, they slid trough his mind like a kaleidoscope of colour and emotions. Flickering and flickering as he was haunted by the memories. He could feel them, he was with them. It was them but it wasn't because their skin glowed, they were radiant and so was he. There was a shine to his skin, a light to his eyes that he had never seen before. He looked like the Simeon of old, he was happy.

In his dreams he was happy and then the sunlight would shine through as nature called him to rise. They would flutter away from him, backs turned as they danced away.

He had let them go and he had no one to blame but himself, him and his selfish ways. Him and his burning need for revenge and where was it now? Buried like all those bodies, buried like his future, like his dying withering soul. He was lost, so lost. He was present but he wasn't because his mind was lost, he was lucid dreaming for months, weeks, hours, years? He didn't know but time got away from him.

He had lost himself out there without them and he didn't know if he could ever come back but he would try because the memory of them, of what could have been haunted him. He had never felt a loss like this and it was for more than just his daughter. He felt the heart wracking pain for Jana, the female that he had hurt time and time again. Beat down with his callous treatment of her all the while love had been growing in his heart.

How had he not known?

He was lost, drifting in the vast ocean as the current pulled him further and further away from the shore.

He was lost

So lost to himself but he wanted to be found. He needed redemption. He needed them and so his fist beat down on the heavy door, his head leaning against it as he waited for someone to answer. His eyelids fluttered shut as he heard his daughter calling him, her blonde hair whipping around her face as she waved him over. Jana stood in the background, her eyes open and loving as she smiled at him.

He felt his mouth moving into a smile as he staggered towards them, tears in his eyes as his hands outstretched and they ran to him. He tilted forwards, his body rocking as he fell through the air. His eyes jerking wide as his mouth hung open in shock.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now