The Crazy and Mentally Unstable

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She couldn't believe it. Her eyes burned with lack of sleep but her heart couldn't take to be in that room with the little girl who stared at Simeon with such adoration. It also didn't escape her blurry eyes how the woman with the matching eyes had glared at her. As if she were the imposter in their little family and maybe she was.

The little girl looked nothing like Simeon except for her pale blonde hair but she was young and that colour could change. She could be anyone's daughter, she could. But Tata and papa sounded too similar and the way Simeon held her it was so fatherly and loving. It had to be his daughter.

Jana wanted to hate her she did but she didn't have the heart. The little girl looked like a little angel, hair pale and shining as her little dimples peeked through her chubby cheeks. Her tiny teeth on display as she laughed with her Tata.

Jana hated him, him and that tall skinny female. How could he not tell Jana about his other family? Better yet how could he have one and still try claim her as a mate. Was one woman not enough.

Her feet beat the ground bare as she paced outside the tent, her hands rising occasionally to tug at her hair. She was going crazy, she needed Simeon to explain the situation now. He needed to because her patience was wearing thin. If he didn't leave the tent she would be in there soon, blades flying as she gauged out his godamn unfeeling heart.

"Jana" he mumbled, the embarrassment clear in his voice as he stayed out of her sight. Too scared to face her like a man.

Twisting her body around and taking in the sight of his daughter in his arms and the tall female by his side was too much. It was her breaking point, how dare they stand together like the family he had denied her. She couldn't take it. Her mouth was ready to spew some hateful things even as her brain told her not to jump to conclusions. To be calm. Well Jana had been calm. She had been the steady flowing river that made its way into the ocean. That calming trickling presence that rocked the river beds but hardly ever caused damage. She was tired of being calm. A small river in the large ocean.

No she was livid and she was ready to bring destruction. She would be the unpredictable, uncontrollable current that water was at its core. She would be a storm like never before, she would be a godamn tsunami because being calm had got her nowhere but turned over by the oceans tides.

"Well isn't this cosy" she spat, nose flaring as her and yes watered in her uncontrolled fury.

"Had I known that you had-" she looked at the tall woman who stood with a scowl on her face before turning back to her mate "a female last night would have never happened." Her tone simmering with all that channelled aggression. She couldn't keep her feelings deep inside her any longer, this man had been manipulating her for too long and she was done.

There was nothing she hated more than a manipulator or a liar.

"She is not my female, Jana" he sighed out, frustration evident in his voice and face.

His hands clenched around the little girl as she stared at Jana with her beautiful green eyes. Jana couldn't hate her she was too beautiful, too innocent. Even though she represented everything Jana couldn't have, she couldn't bring herself to hate her. Her father was different though.

"She's not huh?" Her head titled to the side as if she was seriously considering his words.

"So I'm guessing that's not your daughter there, that shares her eye colour. No?" her tone dry as she eyed him incredulously. What kind of stupid female did he think she was?

"No, you're right. This is my daughter, Zosia." he mumbled, trying to keep the conversation between them and not the crowd of people who had begun to emerge.

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