Breaking Point

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"I know, I'm sorry you were worried but I am not a little kid. I'm 23!"

Jana was fuming. She had tried to sneak into the compound without being caught but she had not even made it through the threshold before she was being attacked by her hysteric family.

Her brothers and father were furious; they had been admonishing her for the past three hours with no respite and her mothers had been emotional. Neema and Felicity together were the worst combination ever because each woman fed the others fear and exacerbated it.

She had not even had the opportunity to wash herself or to eat. When she had tried to make an escape towards the hall she had been trailed by a pack of people howling and moaning in her ear. They were pushing her to her breaking point, there was only so many apologies a person could give until they became fed up. She was inclined to give up already. Her tree outside the compound was looking mighty tempting right now.

"You say you are not a child and yet you sneak around like a guilty teenager"

Khan was growling like some deranged wolf, Jana had never seen him as enraged as he was now and she had seen him pretty mad. Khan's jaw was twitching his eyebrows set in a deep scowl, making that scar across his eyebrow pop ferociously.

"Do you know what could have happened to you? Out there by yourself!"

Jana knew that stepping foot outside of the compound walls was always dangerous, with or without company. So if Khan had been shouting at her for that then she could fully understand his reasoning but he wasn't because he wasn't aware that she had stepped foot outside his precious walls.

He was oblivious to the fact she had ran right past his patrolmen and scaled the walls of her personal prison cells. Khan was oblivious to that. what him and the rest of her family were so enraged about was the fact that Jana had entered the forest alone, a forest that was constantly patrolled throughout the day.

Jana was aware that the patrols were not 100 percent effective, if they were then she would not have made it outside the compound on numerous occasions without being detected. Khan did not know that though, he thought that those sky high walls that separated the pack forest from the outside world was secure. The only reason the forest posed a threat was because she was human and even worse a female.

"I get it. I shouldn't have been gone for so long. I already said sorry for that."

She was becoming flustered with all the glares she was receiving from her exceedingly large family. They sat by the long wooden table watching the conversation giving their avid support of the Alpha male whenever needed.

They could glare all they liked. They could be mad at her all day long if it pleased them but they would never understand what it was like being Jana. She was the second eldest but still treated like some inferior little child. A child who needed mummy and daddy's protection from the big bad world.

She was twenty-three goddamn it, how many times did she need to tell them that. Did she have to get herself knocked up or mated to some unknown wolf for them to see her for what she was. A grown woman. Not some little pup, but a fully fledged, hormonal woman.

"NO," growled Khan as his fist smashed down on the table he leaned upon. The wood splintering around him as he thumped the table again for good measure. The sharp cracking sound of the crumbling table corner was melded with her startled gasp of surprise. Jana always forgot how volatile Khan could get when he felt like he was being challenged or just plain angry.

"That is not what you should be sorry for," his voice was laced with disappointment and thinly veiled anger. Shaking his head, he threw the remaining debris from the table onto the tiled floor.

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