Fail or Fly

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The sun beat down mercilessly on her skin, the sharp golden light filtering through her lids and setting her brain on fire. Gods, she was so tired, her body protested as she rolled over and began to climb to her feet, her stomach sloshing with the emptiness.

She couldn't remember the last time she ate and the scent of whatever they were cooking had her tongue watering and her stomach protesting. Her head was thumping in pain, she felt like she had drunk way too much alcohol with the way her head was throbbing.

She clearly hadn't been eating enough food, especially with the way Vanya had cussed her out in that motherly tone. She hadn't looked at herself in a clear mirror in months so she hadn't had time to really look at her body, she knew she had lost some weight but she hadn't realised how drastic it was until her sister had told her so. Lifting her wrist up, she wrapped her fingers around it and still had space for another three fingers to be inserted in between. Her weight loss was drastic but she felt fitter, her endurance seemed better. Perhaps that was all she had wanted to notice.

Climbing to her feet she gripped her head as tears glistened in her eyes, gods she really shouldn't have stayed up all night having a heart to heart with Vanya. It had made her soul lighter but now her body was paying for it, she felt like lead.

Rummaging through her still packed red bag from when she had first entered the camp, she pulled out some clean clothes. Unfolding her favourite black jumpsuit in all its fresh glory. It was a reminder of the the woman she had been, veiled in black and forever mourning a love that had been so deep.

Heaving a sigh, she gathered her clothes and some toiletries before heading down to the bathing area. She had wiped her skin down last night but today she would take a long swim in the pool. It was one of the only things she would miss about this place.


She stepped out of the cabin, her hair slicked  into a plait at the nape of her head and a few loose pieces framing her pale and slightly gaunt face. She had cleaned the small mirror in the bathroom and had taken a good look at her face. Her golden skin wasn't so bronzed any more even though she had been exposed to so much sun.

There was this greyness to her skin that made her look sick, her face was narrower and she had dark circles ringed under her eyes. She looked worn out. 3 months and she looked like the waking dead, it was scary what a few months could do to the body.

She griped her dripping hair in her towel as she made her way to the smoking fire pit, most people had already gone on to continue what she assumed was their packing butbsoemorn had left a plate with her name on it.

Picking up the plate with the eggs, meat, oats and some blackberries she made her way to the Alpha tent where she knew everyone would be. The flap flipped open as she stepped into the tense room, a blackberry popped in her mouth as she nodded her greetings.

Her hands began to shake in joy as she placed her food down and then extended her arms. The little form flew across the room, pale blonde hair whipping around her as she flew into Jana's arms

"Zosia" she cried, inhaling the fresh smell of roses that clung to her shiny hair and glowing skin. Her hair was braided into two long pigtails that had green ribbons threaded through them. She grinned at Jana, her mouth spread wide which caused the tears that Jana had been holding back to break.

"You lost a tooth" she cried, Zosia was a bit young to be loosing teeth but with the tough meat they sometimes ate, she wasn't all that surprised.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now