Mother: Father

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A/N   So the picture above is going to be the cover for the final- ish book of the series. All the details aren't on the cover because I didn't want to give it away. I wonder if you guys can guess who it's about. 🤔

It felt like weeks, months, years had drifted by when in reality it had been but a few days. A few days of unmountable grief. The loss clutched her heart no matter what she did.

Even Zosia by her side could not ease the pain. The beautiful green eyed child was a reminder of everything she would never have. No babies. No little child who would depend on her for everything. Who would kick inside her stomach, the closest person to her heart.

She would not have that. The bitterness had been festering in her mind. She felt it eating away at her, day in and day out. It wasn't fair. The rage clouded her mind, she felt the urge to wreck the place. Pummel the blankets and trash the room but her body was weak.

She had insufferable cramps. Every clenching pain a reminder of what she had lost, as if her inability to have children was some temporarily missing thing and not the real life prevailing wreckage it was.

She was less of a woman now.

She would never be complete. There was no hope, no silver lining at the end of the tumultuous storm that was her life.


Could the gods not love her just a little bit and ease this pain. Make her nightmares not be true.

Her comms device had been going off for the longest while, she had messages and calls from Khan. He was hounding her down but she wasn't ready to speak to him, she didn't want to speak to anyone. Especially not Simeon. He had asked her a thousand times in the few days she had been awake, to speak to him but she couldn't.

To tell him would be to admit her reality, she didn't want to. She couldn't admit that this was it for them. No children, no mates. Her biggest fear was that she would see the elation in his eyes when she told him. She doubted he would be so cruel but her mind was playing tricks. She couldn't see the good in people not when life kept giving her the worst.

Their conversation about children kept replaying in her mind. There would be no way he wouldn't be happy and she wouldn't be able to survive it.

She didn't want to breathe because every breath of air was another day she would linger in this childless existence.

She didn't want food, she didn't want to speak. She didn't want anything. She just wanted to cry, why couldn't they just let her cry.

The doctors kept coming in, hooking her up to some blood bag in hopes that this would do the trick but there was no magic that could fix this because it wasn't a trick. This was her reality and she didn't want it.

Her comms device bleeped in her lap and she finally snapped, growling down the line she answered "Who is this" words felt foreign to her lips. Her voice croaky as she finally spoke after what felt like a lifetime

"Uhh, umm- Jana it's umm, mum." Voice unsure and wavering.

"Neema?" It didn't sound like Neema, this voice was weaker. More frail.

"No- it's uhh Felicity."

"Oh. What did you need." Her voice was harsh, she couldn't help it. She didn't want to.

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