No Gilded Cage

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There had been no discussion between Jana and Khan, she had informed him she was going and that had been it. There had been no time for debates or arguments, she had merely said her peace and left the room.  She didn't even let her siblings know she was leaving, she was feeling too malicious to do it. She would leave without saying bye and then they would dwell on all the ways they had pushed her away. Isolated her from their family because it wasn't hers, not anymore. Not when they had made their position about her so clear.

She was still feeling resentful and so she hoped in Simeon's Jeep, following that whim of defiance that had forced her into making this rash decision. There was no turning back, even if they offered her a cop-out she would not take it. she wasn't the type be so forgiving because make no doubt, if they offered her a cop-out it would be for their sake and not hers. Things would stay the same and she would only grow to hate them, at least her resentment would fade away in the time they were separated.

Simeon and two other men were placing bags and crates into the bed of the jeep. Their muscles bulged as they lifted the heavy supplies into the truck. Coming here had only been a pit stop in their journey, they had come for supplies but would be leaving with much much more than that.

Her father stood on the marble steps, stoic and unresponsive. His glacial eyes penetrating through the glass as he challenged her with that one look. His hazel eyes asked the questions that Jana feared to answer.

They made her question her choice and ponder as to whether it was too late to change her mind. His expressive eyes told the words his mouth would not speak. They spoke of his unbridled anger, his self inflicted guilt and his bitterness. His resentment of the new man she had allowed to change the dynamic of their family and take his eldest daughter away from him.

They also provided her with the unconditional love that Khan always found hard to speak of. His soulful eyes promised her a place of sanctuary and support in any situation.

Khan would never understand all that made Jana tick, or how it felt to be the weakest link in a family of supernatural's and fierce warriors. He could never fathom the despair she felt when the man she loved was harshly ripped away from her before she could really love him.

Khan would never understand, but his eyes told her that he would be there for her regardless of whether he understood her needs or not.

The jeep door clicked as Jana swung it open and hopped out the vehicle. Scrambling down the step small step she sprinted across the gravel way. Her arms pumping furiously as her eyes fogged over with tears. Throwing all her body weight she propelled herself off the ground as she trusted him to catch her. His thick brown arms wrapped tightly around her as he puffed into her wild hair. Her wet face embedded into his muscular chest.

Him and Caillum were the only people she would say bye to, not even Felicity or Neema would receive one. Her mothers had failed her. They had not supported her even though they knew of the struggle she faced. For that she could not forgive them, even though her mothers cried gut wrenching tears. Their faces blotchy and discoloured in their grief, her heart was grieving too, grieving at the feel of their betrayal. 

"I know we have always struggled to get along, but you are my first little girl. You always will be," murmured Khan as he rubbed her back in a soothing motion.

Jana had always felt more gratitude to Khan than any other family member and it was something she just couldn't explain. Maybe it was because he had tried to put aside his prejudices to help raise a full blooded human girl. Or maybe it was because despite their lack of biological connection he had treated her as if she had always belonged to him. She was his daughter in every way that mattered.

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