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Simeon hadn't lied to her when he said he would do anything for her. He had gone above and beyond what she had ever imagined he would do.

He lay with her at night when she felt the grief over take her. He dedicated hours each day to walking with her around the compound so she could get used to moving again and get some fresh air. He helped bathe her even when she was flaming red and begging him to give her privacy and more importantly he showed her that he cared. He listened to her fears and comforted her, he held her near when she was sick from crying and he fed her when she felt too weak to do so.

He had donated bags of blood to help with her healing. He answered every question she asked, he left nothing upturned. She knew everything that was happening inside the camp and exactly where Sonja currently was. He gave her everything she asked for all except one thing.

"I want to see her!" His eyes rolled heavenwards, there was no greeting from her when he entered the tent just straight down to the demands and this demand was one he wasn't willing to give.

"Good afternoon, pójdźka, how are you doing to day?" He questioned completely ignoring her previous words and moving further into the room.

"Simeon! Don't pretend you didn't hear me!" She screeched leaning forwards in the bed as if she was ready to attack him.

A smile spread across his face at her behaviour, "Oh you're feeling good today? That's good. Do you want to get some fresh air." He couldn't help but enjoy winding her up, her fire was something he hadn't seen in a while. Not since she had been hurt but now, now she was definitely feeling better.

"Seriously! I'm not Fucking joking with you!" She screeched, climbing out of the bed and staggering towards him. Her feet stumbling against the carpet as she fell into his chest.

"Be easy Jana" he murmured, gripping her arm to steady her but she didn't want his assistance.

"No! You said you would give me anything but the one thing I really want you won't give me!" Her hands slapping against his chest as she fought him, knowing full we he wouldn't stop her because he was too concerned with trying to keep her upright.

A growl rumbled through his chest when one of her nails caught his lip "Jana."

"No I don't want to hear it, you either take me or I will go by myself" she cried, her fist thumping his chest in anger. Anger that was misplaced and misdirected. She wasn't mad at him, she was mad at the situation she found herself in and it seemed he was the punching bag for her to vent on.

Wrapping his arms around her still thumping hands, he pulled her body into his chest. Sighing into her hair as he rested his head on top of hers, "No one would let you in anyway."

"I will find a way, don't underestimate how determined I am," she growled, she actually growled at him as if she were a wolf. He wanted to laugh, a small snicker left his mouth but he quickly covered it up with a cough which was followed by a sigh of defeat.

He wasn't underestimating her at all, he had once and she had lodged a silver blade in his back. He had learnt his lesson then, Jana would go to many lengths to get what she wanted or to prove a point. She was determined and stubborn so he had no doubt in his mind that she would hurt herself to try and get what she wanted.

"I don't think it will help you but since you won't leave it alone, I will take you-" his voice rose over her squeaking and clapping "but the moment I think it's getting too much we are going and that is that."

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now