Pride is Such a Damning Thing

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A week or so had passed and Jana had yet to step out side of the compound. She was sitting in her room staring out her window, they hadn't locked it yet so she was taking her last pulls of fresh air before her prison wardens came by.

It was only a matter of time before they came to do it, though they had taken longer than she had anticipated. She bet the wait was a part of the punishment. Everyday felt like her last and then when they did not come she felt a small niggle of hope rise within her. The next morning it would be shot to hell and she would begin panicking again.

She had drastically calmed down from the shivering mess she had been a week ago. Hot bubble baths and some chamomile scented candles had helped her calm that rage inside her.

The warm water had also helped soothe the saw muscles she had gained when she tumbled down the tree. The scrapes on her arms and legs had already scabbed over and some had already fallen off, leaving no scars behind. Well non her eyes could see.

The dark purple bruises had faded into a light yellowish colour that almost blended into her skin. Skin that was paling daily from the lack of sun she got. Even know as she stared out the window she knew she was not ready to see any of her family members.

They had all stood united together against her, which would have been a great display of their loyalty if it wasn't against one of their own members. It had been a whole week of her avoiding them, eating meals in her room when she she could get away with it and sitting mutely when she couldn't.

She had barely spared any of them a word.

Jana knew she was not in the wrong, the only reason they had to be angry or worried was for the amount of time she was missing. Other then that they had no justified reason whatsoever. She was done arguing about it and thinking about it. She would find that blonde giant and mate him just to spite her family and then she would be on her merry way with a hunk on her arm. Or her on his.

Either way she was going to give them everything they wished for. They couldn't complain then.

All she had to do was get outside the compound and find him. She knew that everything was still too raw to try and make an escape so she had to just sit tight and play the dutiful daughter.

Then she would pounce over that damned wall and run away, never looking back. Maybe a year or two down the line she would return but it would not be until she had established who she was away from their watching eyes.

She had spent six days here longer then she planned to. She was not able to get out the compound the next night thanks to the guards who were stationed under her window and outside her door. She had to play the waiting game until they began to lax towards her guarding.

Closing the window, she headed over to her vanity and started prepping herself for tonight. These days she always had it in some sort of bun or plait but she was going to go all out tonight. Not because she wanted to please them but because they hadn't really seen her for a week and what a better way to make an entrance then look amazing.

She would of course wear black not that there was any other option for her. Though for the first time in a longtime she admitted it was not for Jeremy but more because it was the only colour she really felt comfortable in anymore. She wouldn't wear her favourite jumpsuit though, she would spice it up. Just like she would change up her hair.

Brushing the still damp curls into submission, Jana twisted a few around her fingers to tighten the ends into ringlets. Parting the middle of her hair, she brushed the front pieces down toward her ear and tucked them behind.

Sitting back up, she fussed about with her hair making sure the corn yellow curls framed her face right. Using the spray to apply a light coat of makeup over her face she stood up and made her way to her wardrobe.

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