Purple and Black

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Jana was knackered, absolutely knackered. Last night had been one of the longest nights of her life. She had spent over an hour patching up Simeon and making sure he was healing to her standards before she had allowed him to leave her sight. His arms had been slashed at by silver knives and he had a bullet wound in his shoulder, though that had long began to heal before he had returned.

What worried her was the third degree burn marks he had along his leg, such a wound should have healed quickly but it wasn't an ordinary burn wound. Those damned humans had ambushed them, they had set traps were pails of molten hot silver gushed from the trees.

Many wolves had reached a fate much worse than Simeon. Some had lost sight whilst other had severely damaged faces. They had been induced by the pack doctors and they were going under a severe process under the skin regenerative machine. Though the machines could not indefinitely heal the wounds because silver damaged wolves on a unprecedented level, it could help with some of the scarring.

The main issue was that the machines were a lot smaller than the compound machines meaning that any sort of help was on a much weaker scale. They did not generate nearly half as much energy they needed to physically heal a wolf from such a wound and so the doctors had doped them up on wolfsbane and some other drugs. The warriors were floating higher than the clouds as the doctors spent hours and hours picking out the small flecks of silver imbedded into the grooves of their flesh and skin.

Simeon had refused to use her SRM on his paltry wound, imploring Jana to use the small one her father had given her on someone else. It annoyed her that he wouldn't take the treatment but she only respected him more for his choice. She had reluctantly stopped trying to use it on him and had instead handed it off to one of the three doctors, they needed it more. Instead she had cleaned the deeply burnt part of his skin as best as she could. lightly rubbed a slave over his leg and wrapped it up, she would see to his healing everyday.

Once he had decided he was better, he had bounded off towards wherever all the unwounded warriors were heading. That had been just after the sun had gone down. The sun was casting a red glow over the land as it began its lazy crawl across the sky and Jana had yet to sleep. The camp was still bustling with movement as they all scurried around like worker bees trying to heal the wounded.

No warriors had died yet but many were knocking on deaths door. They could be saved, she had hope that they all could, though she knew many would be scarred for life. Eyes could not be healed after they had become sightless. No machine could fix such irreparable damage, well not any in their possession. Maybe if they had been in a compound they could trie but they weren't. This was their reality.

Jana needed a break. She needed at least 5 minutes in which she could close her eyes and rest her mind. Many had already taken a break once the worst had been taken care of but as the female leader, the luna, Jana had wanted to be the last to stop. Her body was complaining now though. Her eyes were burning and her hands were shaking as she tried to cut open a wide with her knife. the females hand wrapped around Jana's hand. the blood from one females arm.

"It's okay, I can do this. Get some rest." she whispered, taking the packet from Jana's hand and biting it open.

Jana felt bad for leaving but she couldn't have stayed a moment longer, her body was jittery. Crying for the need to sleep and so that was what she would do but first she needed to find Simeon, just to see if he was alright.

She also wanted to see Zosia but she wasn't sure if the children were allowed out of the lesson area yet. Making her way across the compound she took in the deafening silence and the absence of people. Most of the wolves were inside their tents tending to their mates or in one of the main tents helping out with those too severely damaged to heal. A few were around the cockpit, stoking the fire as they seasoned up some meat in preparation of a late dinner/early breakfast.

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