Sewage Dwellers

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Her jitters didn't calm even as they sat in the car on their way. Her hands twitched and her legs bounced in nervousness.

This was it.

They were over half way there and by the time the sun crested in the sky they would be attacking. They had planned for weeks and though Jana wasn't aware of everything she knew her part well enough, whatever little bit she had been give. Her and Ju-long had already planned to routes in the system and Blake had thought of ways to infiltrate the camp.

There was lot to do in the few hours they had, guns had to be loaded and everyone needed rest.

One of the moving vehicles had half prepared explosives and the other had weapons, though most of the warriors had opted to go wolf form. The 10 vehicles were not enough to contain the whole squad but it worked out best because the majority wanted to run, the close confinement would only drive them over the edge. Especially at this time.

Simeon had opted to run in his shifted from but Ju-long hadn't. His thick hand rested over her knee as he tapped her bouncing limb.

"Stop bouncing" he grunted, gripping her knee a little tighter when she didn't stop.

"Sorry but I'm nervous" she snapped, her nails scraping along the back of his hand as she tried to pry his hands off.

"Your nerves will only make you an easy target. Be calm, you have nothing to worry about" he patted her knee one last time before he pulled away from her, his hands dropping into his lap.

It was easy for him to say she had nothing to worry about but she knew better. Her mind was ticking and she felt a huge wave of regret.

Regret that she had left Zosia, that she had put her need to prove herself before the little angel. Regret that she hadn't made amends with her siblings and regret that her and Simeon were at this point.

The hope she had for them was gone, not that there had been much in the first place. They had been over before they had ever been together and it was hard for her to acknowledge that the bond wasn't for everyone. Sometimes the gods got it wrong.

It had worked out for all of her sisters but for her, it just wasn't meant to be and though it was her choice it still hurt her that Simeon had seemed so blasé about it. He hadn't cared one bit, hadn't even apologised for clawing at her shoulders though she hadn't apologised for slapping him across his face.

The scratch lines of her nails began to fade along his face but her shoulders were still raw and her neck bruised. Was this her life now.

"Do you know what my name means" Jana shook her heard, clearing the morbid thoughts from her mind.

"It means powerful dragon, which is funny really considering I am not like one at all. My sister yes but me no and yet she gets the name that means flower or something"

Her leg stopped tapping as she turned to him in interest at this turn in conversation, "In what language"

"It's of Chinese decent" he smiled his white teeth at her.

"You're Chinese?" She sputtered, her eyes wide as she looked at him in a completely different light.

Ju-long had dark skin that typically wasn't associated with people of East Asian regions. He had full lips and almond shaped dark eyes, a flat nose and long lashes. His hair was jet black and plaited to the back of his head, he was tall and had quite broad shoulders but his aura was not threatening but soothing.

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