Rileys Ridge

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"Foot up... No, not left. I said up" Jana grunted, slapping the females leg so she could right the offending limb. When it only bent further towards the ground she felt her eyes rolling backwards "Gods give me strength" she huffed.

Slapping the females leg one more time, she stepped back kissing her teeth at the wobbling female. They had been at this training for quite a few hours and the woman still couldn't get the simple logistics of a high kick.

"This is up" her foot struck up like a whip as she kicked into the air "and this what you are doing" her foot slanted down into a small arch, barely lifted off the floor.

Her abdomen pulsed with the movement but she gritted her teeth. She found that the more she moved the more she got used to the small pangs of pain, plus the blood transferring had been helping. She felt a lot healthier than she should have at this point, though mentally she couldn't say the same.

"Not everybody is as flexible as you" growled the grey scarfed woman, strands of her darker hair hanging out. Her top lip was slick with sweat as she tried to balance in one foot and stick her foot higher in the air.

"I just recovered from an injury lady, you have no excuse" her words only earned her grunts of annoyance from the smaller woman but Jana didn't care. She had warned carina that she wouldn't train her half heartedly. She had initially thought the woman had asked her to help with training as a way to distract her and maybe she had but Jana wanted to make sure that the woman at least took away something.

"Alright, that's it I'm done" she huffed her feet kicking up dirt as she rested the limb back onto the ground. Whopping the dampens from her face as she heaved a deep sigh.

"Your done? Fine let me go find Simeon then" sung Jana, spinning on her heels and marching off.

"Wait, no you still haven't tought me that arm thingy," carina called, voice wavering with indecision and panic.

"What arm thingy," questioned Jana arms folded across her chest as she faced the flustered woman before her.

The woman started flapping her arm in front of her, thrusting her hands forwards as she tried to imitate Jana "The one where you-"

"This one?" Jana growled, her hand wrapped around Carina's outstretched arm, swung it to the side and yanked it behind Carina's back. Pulling so tightly that the arm was a small tug a way from being broken.

"That one" she squeaked, tip toeing so she could try and relieve some of the pressure but Jana only tugged harder.

"What's going on?" She questioned but Carina only grumbled under her breath, shuffling as she tried to dislodge Jana's hold.

Jana's free hand cane around the front of Carina's neck, so they were now back to front with Carina's air supply being comprised by the chokehold she found herself in.

"Speak up."

"Fuck sake," she spat, her tears dripping onto Jana's arm as she tried to breathe.

"They're - holding- a meeting," she gasped.


"Alphas, Warriors" she wheezed her eyes stinging with the lack of air.

Carina collapsed to the floor as soon as Jana let her go, her hand gripping her neck as sucked in large gulps of air.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now