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They swam about in the natural pool for a while until Jana's legs got tired and then they moved further into the cave. The lamps lined the stone wall and lead them deeper into the alcove. The deeper they got the cooler the air became, goose bumps rising along her body as she followed him into the dimly lit area. Skin wet and dripping, feet bare and bruising they walked for what felt like forever on her jelly legs.

Her head thudded against his back as he abruptly stopped, her head peaking around his broad shoulders so she could see what he stopped at.

"This is a private pool, you can strip here if you want" he urged huskily, yanking off his shorts and discarding them in a corner somewhere.

She caught a glimpse of his skin at the front as he turned and made his walk into the bubbling pool. Her eyes roved down from his strong broad shoulders, down his firm back glimpsing over his pale cheeks down to his thick thighs.

The man looked like a god, body strong and supple. Water slid from his locks down his back muscles and melded back into the pool he stood in. She wasn't sure if she should let go of all her inhibitions or to hold on tight to the small barrier between them. Deciding that she wasn't about to go nude in front of him, she made her way into the hot pool. The bubbles tickling along her skin and soothing the cut on her calf.

Sinking into the chest deep water, she floated about letting the heat and the bubbles massage any sore muscles from her body.

"That feels good" she sighed, the pressure and warmth of the water was like nothing she had felt, the tension flew from knots in her body she had no idea where there. Her eyes shuttered closed, hands moving in rhythm with her slow beating heart. This was what she needed, a deep pampering.

"There is soap on the side" motioned Simeon, grabbing a bar and beginning to wash his skin. Most of the dirt from the past few days had already been washed away by the first pool but this time he wanted a thorough cleaning.

Grabbing the soap, she took residence in a corner further away form him, there were too little barriers between them and the bond was pulling too much. This need was too uncomfortable. It was something she fought to ignore but with each ticking minute doubts began to rise. What was the point. Why deny natures will?

The tendrils coiled through her mind, yanked tight until there was this throbbing behind her eyes that screamed look, look. He's yours. He was hers, every finely flecked and scarred part of his body belonged to her and there was no denying it. She was no coy female, no wilting wallflower so she would not act that way now.

She would stake her claim on the male even if beyond these pools reality would crash around them. Even when she knew that beyond this moment, this glimpse of Simeon that she saw would disappear. She could take that risk even if it was for a moment, a moment of pure blind emotion. A moment to just feel and boy did it feel exquisite.

Simeon lost the battle before she did, a hairs breadth of a minute between his movement and hers. So In sync they sunk together. Arms gripping and tongues twisting she felt him. The essence of Simeon moved through her, prowled beneath her skin. Claws plucking at her heart strings in an offbeat tune but it made sense to them. To her.

To her that hitch in his breath the moment his lips met hers made sense, it spoke of his anticipation. The longing he felt. And the way her legs wrapped around him like he was an additional appendage she had always had made sense because they were right. There was no wrong between them because that made no sense. How could they be wrong when their hearts beat in time with each other even though no love was felt. Or how his scent sent her wild as if she were a wolf, one of them. She sniffed at his neck as if she could place a mark on his warm skin.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now