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Her skin was still dripping wet but she didn't care, her clothes clung to her uncomfortably and her feet squelched in her shoes but she was beyond it all at this point. Her breath puffed out in short shallow wisps as the cold air licked against her damp skin. The brittle chill did nothing to soothe the rage coursing through her.

Water drip dropped along her neck and slid along her back as she marched through the camp. Teeth gritted and fists clenched.

He infuriated her. He thought he could pull and push at her whenever he felt like it. Reel her in like a fish, inspect her in all her bright colours and then dump her back into the tank, because this was no ocean. Had this been an ocean she would have swam away from Simeon a long time ago but she had sealed her fate. She was too involved and people had become dependant on her. Zosia need her and though Jana would be temporarily leaving she would come back.

She had to because she wasn't sure how Zosia would fair in this harsh world her father adamantly clung to. Simeon's world was splitting open at the seam but still he tried to sew it back up with short strokes, forcing the material together without folding the seam. He had yet to secure the things that mattered at home and yet he was already prepared to charge out there. Hoping that his hasty job would fix everything.

Well it wouldn't.

Zosia was on the cusp of a breakdown. If Simeon continued to persist with this life Jana knew he would loose her and not through death, though that was always a possibility. He would loose his daughter through his neglect, she would withdraw from him and then who would Zosia have?

Jana? Zosia couldn't depend on her because Jana's stay here was not guaranteed. She had come here to find herself, to be free. To prove her strength but she wouldn't stay forever. She had a home and time apart was doing her family well. Bonds were being mended between her and Neema and for the first time in her life, her and her biological mother Felicity had a relationship.

She had a family and though she considered Zosia as he part of her own, she couldn't take her from her father.
Simeon was an emotionless ass.

Yes he tried to care but the main word was tried. He didn't care or if he did it was hardly what anyone needed. She didn't doubt he loved his daughter but he was too used to being alone that he was incapable of putting someone's feeling before his. Or perhaps he was too ignorant to how his actions were affecting his daughter.

The flap of the tent flew open as she stormed in, heading straight for her belongings. She ripped out of her clothes throwing them to the floor all the while she cursed him beneath her breath.

She was annoyed, enraged even.

The bathing session had been a trial in itself and it wasn't because everyone had been fornicating around her. Bodies damp and glistening, that had been an issue but not The issue.

The issue was him. Simeon. He had taunted her, mocked her.

Everything was a game, a move on a chess board. He had sat back and dared her to cower away from the scene to chicken out and surrender and when she hadn't he had tried to soother her irritation with his touches.

She hated it. Hated how he tried to use sex as a tool to gain her submission, to get her compliance.

He confused lust with intimacy and then used it to try and win her over. His bodies needs were what drove him forward and perhaps that was the way of their kind but not hers.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now