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"What do you mean our kind" thundered Simeon, his boots crunching on rubble as he stepped towards Caillum.

"Back up Simeon," she spat, pushing through the brick wall that was her family and stepping between them.

Jana knew what Caillum meant when he said their kind. It was a touchy subject, one that she didn't want Caillum to start on because once he did the bitterness and resentment that sat close to the surface would over flow.

In Caillum's eyes rogue wolves were a different kind of wolf, they were immoral, they lacked loyalty and they were primitive. They held no respect for anyone but themselves and so seeing their kind, alongside the female whose callous treatment of him had helped carve those views- it would cause a bloodbath if she let it.

"Jana move out of the way" barked Blake, appearing from nowhere with a red face plastered with anger. 

She automatically backed up a step into her brother, her head thudding against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her neck and pulled her to his side.

"Speak to my sister like that again and I'll gut you like a fish," threatened Caillum, a chilling smile falling across his face as he patted motioned to the silver knife attached to his waist.

"Don't you fucking thre-"

"That's enough," interrupted Jana, her hands coming up to keep the two males apart, eyes cutting as she gave Blake a dirty look before she completely dismissed them. She could see Caillum was on the edge, one push and he would go careening, knife waving as he acted first and thought second.

He was a dangerous male, he was often underestimated because he was human but he had been trained hard since young. When Khan had been training him, he had treated Caillum as if he were Wolf, as if he could heal within the blink of an eye. He was always covered in bruises but it had been liveable when Lian had been there to console him.

He had only turned sour once she had left.

"We need to get Carina to a healer, that's more important than this" she spoke only to her brother, Simeon forced to the back of her mind because that male was always second place and not because she made him but because he chose it.

Caillum reluctantly nodded his head as he stomped off into what was left of the tree line, a mask of fury painted across his face in flickers of red and pink.

He was mad.

"At least we get to see mum," grinned Kai, eyes alight with excitement as he thought of Vanya. His happiness was infectious especially at the mention of Vanya. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen her, a few months maybe and that seemed like forever.

Vanya had been away at her infirmary/school helping to heal the world. She had converted the plot of land gifted to her by the family a few years ago. It had been transformed into a secure healing ward that encouraged physical and spiritual wellbeing, it also doubled over as a school in which students were taught to be healers and to challenge their minds.

It was a lot of work but it was something she loved doing, Vanya was a good person one of the best Jana knew.

"Your mum is going to go batshit" sing songed Roark as he scuffed Kai's hair before running  off, the younger boy hot on his tail as he screamed profanities at Roark.

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