When Men Are Away

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2 Weeks Later

Jana stood in the middle of the tent looking around, her eyes taking in all the small gaps that could make a good hiding place. The room was so bare that such little nooks were impossible to find, this room wouldn't be the place. Heaving a sigh she ran from the room, feet slapping on the ground as she lightly jogged around the camp.

The inhabitants gave her weird looks, some even openly snarling at her but during this past week she had gotten used to their disdain. The antagonistic relationship between her and the wolves was something that needed to be sorted out but she was biding her time. She was waiting for that moment when they would full out challenge her instead of making comments or doing petty things.

She was more than what she had been acting like, she wasn't some young child who acted first and thought second. She was a grown woman and she wouldn't let them make her become any less.

Even the small amount of humans who resided inside this camp were no better. They walk untied in their hatred towards her. She was the enemy but she had no recollection of what she had done.

She didn't care either, whether they were friendly or hostile pack members she was staying. They couldn't scare her off. She wasn't their prey. 

Stopping in the middle of the camp she looked left and right thinking which way should she go. The infirmary where there were loads of places or to the forest where there were even more hiding places but also a lot of dangers.

It was a no brainer, turning left she jogged to the infirmary. Pushing the massive tent flaps out of her way she tiptoed into the room. Walking on the balls of her feet as she breathed as lightly as she could. A soft giggle came from the back of the room, in one of the cabinets that had been left slightly ajar.

"Hmm, I wonder where she can be" she said aloud, finger on her chin as she tapped it. Another loud giggle slipped forward before it was quickly smothered by what must be a hand. Jana knew where she was hiding but she kept the little girl waiting, flipping over bed sheet after bed sheet as she exclaimed her surprise when it was empty.

"Well she can't be in here" she called aloud body turing to the door as she counted from ten in her head. 9... She called as her feet crunched on the grass within the tent. 8... Head twisting around to see if the little girl had broken yet.

7... A sigh leaving her lip as she committed herself to actually leaving. This girl played hardball. 6... At the number 6 she heard a loud bang and little feet pattering in her direction. A cacophony of giggles as a small body charged into her legs.

"Here I am" called the little voice, her arms in the air and long blonde hair waving around. Jana span around, looking above the little girls arms.

"Where are you" she called, her hands framing her eyes as she tried to look for the little girl who obviously stood by her feet.

The little girl chortled in mirth as she jumped up and down arms waving, "I'm here, nana. I'm here" she giggled hands reaching out and pulling on Jana's clothes. Jana's hands flew to her mouth as she finally looked down at the little girl. Her eyes wide in mock surprise, pretending to be shocked.

"There you are" she laughed bending down to pick the little girl up, her small fingers clinging to Jana's neck as she grinned wide.

"You couldn't find me Nana" she laughed, poking her little tongue out as she rubbed in her win. Playing hide and seek was one of Zosia's favourite games of the day, she never tired of hiding and she always believed Jana when she acted surprised to find her.

"I know, you are so good at hiding, angel."

Jana always found that her voice climbed high when she spoke to the little bundle in her arms. To others it sounded dumb but to her it was natural. It had become natural for her over these two weeks to speak to Zosia like this when they were playing.

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