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There was nothing left to say. Not after she had given him every reason to pick his daughter, to pick them, to pick his future.

What more could she say to a man who just didn't want to hear or see. He was shrouded in black and no light was getting in and so she did the only thing she could do. She held onto her pride, shoulders back and head tall as she gathered her red bags and Zosia's small brown one and made her way to the transporter. Her lips clenched tight as she watched the moment of departure between father and daughter.

Tears glistened in her eyes as she walked past Vanya and took a seat furthest away from the window. She couldn't stand there and watch him say goodbye to his daughter as if he really cared. If he cared he wouldn't be leaving her behind.

She didn't know how long she sat inside the transporter silently waiting, her hands shaking with the inferno of emotions inside her. Her hand pressed to her eyes as she tried to keep back the tears at the unjust situation she had been placed in. Her head shot up and met sickly brown skin as a warm hand gripped her shoulder.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" she grinned sardonically, lips pursing in annoyance.

"Don't be silly, I know you're coming as soon as you're okay to fly," she snorted before standing up and wrapping the woman in her arms, so much strength in the small body even though she had just suffered so much.

Some of the things she was subjected to they still didn't know but Carina was going to be okay and that was what mattered. Though her mate Keith had been on a warpath at the sight of his mate, the fact that she lived and hadn't suffered any permanent damage except some deep scarring, was a blessing.

There were still things about that morning/night at the Resentiam base that Jana couldn't explain. Like what had Simeon been doing there if his priority hadn't been to save her. She didn't know who had planted that bomb, if it was even one of their bombs. She didn't know if there were any Resentiam survivors. There was a list of things she didn't know but she found herself caring less and less. She was going home. Back to those walls that had suffocated but protected her in her wild youth.

The same walls that would protect Zosia while she learned how wild and free she could be.

"I'll be there" Carina croaked, squeezing Jana tightly before she made her way off the transporter, Zosia running around her legs and heading straight towards Jana.

Her little body flung into Jana's lap as her damp cheeks rubbed against her skin. Her body shuddering with her hiccuping cries.

"Ahh it's okay, aniołku " Jana crooned in her ear, stroking her shiny pale hair, rocking back and forth as she hushed the little girl.

Her face expressed her worry even as she tried to smile at her family as they climbed into the transporter. Caillum squeezed her shoulder as he walked past, bending down to kiss her hairline before he moved to the back of the machine.

They sat like that for the whole journey. Her holding Zosia tightly and the girl sniffling into her skin as slumber took over. Jana's eyes were red rimmed as her lip wobbled, it was hard to sit there an know that there would be many a night when Zosia would be like this all because of the man who called himself her father.

The flight was about an hour and then they were touching down, the fresh green of her home greeting her. The smell of damp rain making her tears over flow, the smell of sun rays and moss. It was home.

Convalesce (Book 2 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)Where stories live. Discover now