No More Than Dirt

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"Don't you fucking touch me." She screamed, hands swinging as she tore at his torso, nails ripping into him as he clutched her around her waist. Dragging her kicking and screaming into the tent as the pack howled on their song of glory. Limbs flailing with her rage.

Throwing her onto the floor into his tent she rolled across the ground and sprang to her feet. Her arms pumped ferociously as she charged at him in the same move she climbed from the floor in. Nails sharp like a lioness hunting her pray, she pounced on him. Arms swaying as she screeched her lioness song. Roaring with anger as she ripped into his skin with her bare nails.

Legs wrapped around his waist, fingers ripping into his hair she pulled his head towards the ground and followed him down. Her free hand pummeling him on their way to the floor. Her throbbing neck put fire in her veins and ice in her heart.

His body thudded to the ground, back smashing into the rich carpet. He was rock solid even as she exhausted all her energy into making him bleed like the worthless male he was. Her nails tore lines into his skin, pulling out chunks in of flesh. Fists balled she punched him hard, arms swinging blow after blow into his face, chest, anywhere that he wasn't blocking. His arm guarding his body from her attacks only angered her more as she yanked at the offending limb.

Having enough of her attack Simeon swung his feet up and kicked her off him, her body flying across the room. Panting heavily as she regained her breath, her mind running rampant as she thought of her next move.

Rolling to the side she sprang back into action, her body turning away from him as she ran towards her bag. Her fingers fumbled with the zip, the simple task made more difficult in her panic. Yanking the zip apart, metal and material flew across the room as she tugged at what she needed.

Thick arms like bands wrapped around her waist, yanking her into his solid chest as he tried to separate her from the bag but she held on. Her fingers working even as he pulled her by the nape of her neck, brown eyes meeting his red. Drool slopping from his snout. His ears were shifting, moving higher as his skin shed and red flesh replaced it before it was covered by his wolfs fur. Coarse hair began sprouting all over his body as the shift began taking form over him.

His claws were digging into her hair as he pulled harder making the bag slip from her grasp, she let it go. His feet stumbled back a few steps as her body went lax against him, she used the moment of his stumble against him. Her feet twisting as her body rocked in his grasp as she swiped at his hip. Silver burning his flesh, sizzling along his calf, his chest. Hot bubbling blood filling her nose as she tore through his body with her silver.

Her silver climbed over his skin marking the male who dared to humiliate her. Scarring him for a very long time, if she had to bare his mark then he would bare hers. Every single one she gave him he would wear, with pride or humiliation was his choice, but knowing she had scared the Alpha would always give her something to be proud of.

Hissing his retreat Simeon dropped her like a hot coal. Stepping away from her even as his body and mind became more wolf than man.

"You force my hand" his words distorted by his elongated canines and deformed snout. His eyes were slanted, the red of his pupils ringed with the yellow of his beast. Body hunched, he howled to the hidden moon. His fury tangible.

"No, you force mine" her voice laden with betrayal as she brandished her knives in the air. Silver blades glistening in the funnelled sun. Swooping and making arcs, twisting like an art form, an ancient dance ritual. She was like the warriors of old who held their swords in their hands and metal on their body, close contact was the only honorable fight back then. This was a dual. His nature against hers and she believed she could win. She was flirting on the line. A line that once crossed they could never come back from.

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