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2 Weeks Later

He didn't answer her, not that day or the days after and soon it became evident to her that he wouldn't answer the question. He refused to add fuel to the small flickering flames of her fire, so he didn't answer and in that time of silence an ocean grew between them. Her mind could not be at ease until she had confirmation of his feelings but Simeon was negligent to her needs.

His silence became her answer and in that silence her doubts manifested into pulsing, drowning energies. It was hard for her to smile in the face of this pack when his inability to answer her played on her mind, making her doubt her choice in him. Their bond was coming to the end of its tether and she refused to subject herself to rebonding to a male who had no consideration to her, but then if she didn't what would it mean for her?

She wouldn't be his mate and by default she wouldn't be a Luna. The title had little esteem in her mind but what it offered, the protection for not only herself but Zosia.. She needed the title and so she was in a predicament.

As it stood now, she was a Luna who was preparing to risk it all to prove her position. There wasn't a thing she wouldn't do to secure her future and going to Rileys Ridge, facing the Resentiam, it was what she had to do.

Hairs stood along her skin at the thought of facing them, she felt fear and resentment. These humans were wrong, just pure wrong, the things they did in the name of liberation... It made her sick.

Neema had tried to shelter her from this part of the world but being Khan's shadow had meant that she had seen and heard firsthand some of the atrocities they committed. It was disgusting how perverse this world had become. How perverse it had always been.

The Resentiam's rise could be blamed on the Alpha's, the cruel Alpha's who claimed mates as if they were food to pick at and not living, feeling, autonomous beings. The Alpha's who had laughed as wolves brutally decimated humans in the mate trials. Cutting heads as they cut marriages as if they were nothing more than little ribbons. Puppets on strings who danced to the twist of the puppeteers hands.

This could be pinpointed on the heads of Khan and Simeon and all the Alpha's before and after them. They had forged their empire through carnage and now these humans were taking it back. It was just a shame that such a just cause had become so depraved and immoral.

They were no longer trying to liberate but to dominate and in that their whole ethos had changed. Anyone who didn't fight for them was an enemy and considering a large number of humans had been pacified by the Brethren, there were a lot of enemies to the Resentiam.

So many humans were finally finding a home that wasn't in the darkest dwellings of life. Where young girls weren't forced into marriages at ridiculously young ages just so they could eat. Young boys weren't forced to take on animals twice their size in order to provide, knowing that death faced them before life had embraced them. Their lives weren't shrouded in darkness, they had beds, homes, food and it wasn't the Resentiam who was providing for them.

Through guilt or morality, whatever it was, a large number of the Wolfen Brethren had installed policies of mollification. Human rights were being considered, though there was still a ridiculous number of Alpha's that were fond of the old ways, a large majority had turned to newer ways. Ways that were not so brutal.

This change of heart had only intensified the Resentiam's fervour and so here they were, at the precipice of the world they knew staring at the premature blossoming of a newer, better world. One that was based upon the dismantling of the Resentiam because without them, humanity stood a chance to prosper and not as lesser inferior beings but as equals. It wouldn't happen over night but they were making steps toward a better future.

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