Fight Fire with Fire

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When she woke the next morning her eyes were sore from crying and her throat was dry. Her rumbling stomach also called for food but Simeon was nowhere to be seen. Sitting up in the makeshift bed she had slept on she looked around the tent to see if she could find anything to eat or drink.

The area was bare, the only thing that stood out was a small wooden crate that had been turned into a table that had knives and a few other weapons and placed on it. An unlit lamp dangled from one of the beams in the tent and a stack of clothes and blankets were shoved by the back wall.

In a corner by the opening flap of the tent a pile of all her bags lay in a heap, the familiarity of the bright red bags was a comfort to her after the long day she'd had. Sitting in front of her two bags she pulled out the small one and rummaged around until she found her stash of chocolate. Taking out a bar she stuffed a piece in her mouth and gulped down what was left of the water she had carried in her bottle as she thought back on yesterday.

Her response to Simeon irked her the most because the male had had no right to comfort her when he and his pack of wildings were the reason she had been distraught. Even now her body was still caked with her own blood that had begun to turn black as it dried along her skin. But Jana had let him, she had lay her head along his chest and let his heart lull her into sleep.

She assumed he had slept with her but the space where he should have lay was cold as if he had never been there. She was alone in the tent and there seemed to be no sign of life around her, but outside was a different story. From where she was seated she could hear the bustling of people talking and moving about. Children's laughter tinkled in the background as the sound of human body meeting flesh and the sound of clanging metal overpowered the sweet noise.

From the small gap in her tent she could see dark figures moving about outside, forms bending and pounding as the smell of warm food drifted through the flaps. The scent causing her belly to clench, the chocolate had done little to appease her. Chucking it back inside her bag, she opened the larger one to look for fresh clothes. She needed a shower but there was no way she was going to ask any of the wild ones lingering about, they would probably send her to the butcher house if they had one.

So instead she sat in silence, her eyes closed and legs crossed as she pondered on what to do, her skin tight and sore from abuse. Breathing in through her mouth and out through her nose she steadied her breathing. Taking in the sounds and smells of her new home. She was no wolf but she had figured out ways to enhance her other senses. Meditation helped balance her which made it easier for her to really push her body.

From her crossed legged perch she could smell the scent of the eggs, bread and was that blueberries being carried towards her tent. She could also smell the scent of the person who was coming. The scent blended in seamlessly with this tent but it was more earth ridden, it was nature kissed and sweat infested.

Her eyes shot open as the flap flickered and Simeon stepped through the make shift door. A tray of food in his hand alongside a tall glass of water. Making his way over to the DIY table he placed her food and drink down.

"Morning Pójdźka, I see you rise early" he greeted her with his heart stopping smile. Cheeks dimpling around his freshly groomed scruff, the beard now closer to his face.

"Apparently not early enough, I missed you this morning," her voice was soft with hesitation, unsure of how to act after the turmoil of yesterday. Was all forgiven? She couldn't be sure but Simeon seemed to think so and she had to commend his tenacity. He didn't even flinch at the way she looked at him, contempt dripping from her eyes even as she tried to control it.

It was nice that he had brought her food but there was a lot they needed to discuss before she greeted him with sweet smiles. He knew that.

"Ahh yes, I wake early to do the rounds and train with the troops," his voice tinged with nervousness as he ran his hand through his loose locks but his face gave nothing away.

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