Chapter 4

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The cafeteria is loud and busy as usual.

I walked down, to find my table. I see Tyra and Angie already there, having a conversation. I smile at the two, letting a small "hey" escape from my lips. I sit my purse down and grab my phone...

I approach the long lunch line. I kiss my teeth to myself, the day I want school lunch the line just has to be extra long. My phone buzzed, and I looked down at it. Just some random notification. I eye the words on my screen as I reach for a tray but someone grabs it before me.

I turn around to find Chris smiling. He handed me the tray as he took another one for himself. I turn back around and blush a little.

I hear him scoff small. "Well you're welcome then..." He says playfully. His voice seemed a little to close to my ear. We are standing next to each other, but his voice seemed like he talked right in my ear. I feel him staring at me, but maybe I'm just paranoid. Like his body is way to close, I can smell his cologne. Not to strong but that just proves he is way to close.

I kiss my teeth playfully, and look back at him. And he gives me a look back and playfully kisses his teeth as well. I hear him laugh and another guy laugh.

We moved as the line moved.

"So this is why huh?" An angry Kevin approached, motioning his hands to me and Chris.

I look at him as if he has two heads. What is he even rambling off about? "This is why what?" I asked him. My eyebrows pushed together.

"You're with him now right?" He stated in the tone of a question. Which was way to loud; having everyone look at us.

Chris snickers.

"No. We just starting speaking to each other today, because I'm suppose to be tutoring him." I look at Kevin with disgust.

Why is he on my case as if we've been together forever? We literally just starting "talking" last week. Now he thinks he has control over me. And why would Chris and I even have something going on? Clearly someone's jealously is way out overflowing. Oh, I'm going to put this to an end. Right now.

"Oh, I'm sorry I just, it's because I really like you Miya."

I roll my eyes. At this moment I can't just end it with him. I would look like a heartbreaker.  "It's okay." I said as he pulled me into a hug, and I unwillingly hug back. He left the line and everyone continued what they were doing earlier. I grab a sandwich and apple juice.

"You don't like him do you?" Chris asks.

"I do." I murmured under my breath. I honesty don't know if I like him or not. This is one of those iffy relationships where you don't really know what you're doing or how you're feeling about the person, but you just don't want to leave.

"You're lying." Chris sings, gently nudging me. I pause, even though it's just his elbow tapping my side... He just touched me, why? Maybe he's just being friendly and is a touchy person. Well I'd be lying if I say I didn't feel some type of butterflies from that touch.

"My love life doesn't need your opinions." I snap. I didn't mean for it to come out as rude, but it did. We moved up the line, as I mentally cursed myself for being rude. I pay for my lunch and so does he.

I walk out of the line, slowly... On purpose. As expected he trails behind me. "Well my bad..." He said sarcastically. "But don't call it love life, when you know you don't love him."

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