Chapter 10

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  Five thirty on a Thursday afternoon. I'm outside, in my neighborhood walking my dog. She is excited, I'm guessing, because she's damn near jumping out of her leash. I walked down the sidewalk as my arm was tugging in the direction of her runs. I slightly walked fast.

My phone vibrated in my other hand, glancing quickly, Chris' name appeared on the screen.

"Sit. Sherrie sit." She did as I commanded and tilted her head. Looking at me as if she was upset. "If you don't stop with that nonsense... " I rolled my eyes, answering the phone afterwards.

"What's up?"

"Cool it, I'm on the phone. Hey Miya..."

"Hey..." My voiced trailed off, because I didn't know what to say. I already asked him what's up?

He cleared his throat, before he could speak I heard someone in the background talking.

"Come on man, we have to wrap up practice."

"Give me a minute." Chris snapped.

"Who you talk...oh. I see..." I heard the guy in the background say.

"Bro. Shut up!" Chris growled. "Sorry, where was I?" He said talking to me.

"I said hey." Sherrie began growing impatient as she started to bark. "Fix your stupid attitude." I scoffed

"Me? I didn't-"

"No. Not you. What do you need?" Sherrie got up anyway and looked at me, I just shook my head and started to walk. She's so spoiled.

"Oh. I can't com- we can't have tutoring today. I'm...uh... doing something." Chris stammered, once I picked up what he was trying to explain, I frowned.

"Oh. Okay. That's fine." It's not fine. I actually have fun tutoring him. I look forward to it every Tuesday and Thrusday.

"Yeah, well I have to go." He said. He hung up, not even waiting for me to return a goodbye.

I wonder, what's up with him... Now?

The whole school day he'd  been avoiding conversations with me, eye contact, plus he didn't even text me this morning. Not like I'm pressed for a good morning text, it's just he always texts me good morning.

Could it be... because of the he almost kissed me situation.

I don't know how that happened, one minute we were just talking and laughing, next minute he was two seconds away from getting me in trouble. Imagine.. Chris kissed Miya! They go out? Oh snap she cheated on Kevin...

Kevin would blow a gasket. I would never forgive myself... For making myself look a fool. I would never cheat. I took a deep breath trying to rid my mind of the whole almost kiss situation.

I was on my way back home. I made up my mind that I'm going to visit my mom at the rehab. Since it's a free day.

I stepped in the house, and took Sherrie off her leash. "Dad!...Daddy!" I called out as I shut the door behind me.

He trotted downstairs, dressed up in a suit. "Yes?" He said as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Can you drop me off at mom's rehab place?" I asked smiling.

"Thought you had to tutor that little boy?" My dad questioned. He walked to the kitchen and I followed. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he called Chris a little boy.

"He had something important to do. Tracy can watch Sherrie. Please I miss my mommy." I pouted.

I know my dad wants me to spend time with my mom, but he was always so hesitant. It never occurred to me why that was so, and I never really asked.

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