Chapter 33

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I had been so tired the night before, Chris was sweet talking me and I couldn't even remember how I fell asleep so fast.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I turned over, gripping as much blankets as I could. I was in the center of Chris' bed. The blankets and sheets smelled just like him. Honestly, I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning.
I stared at nothing, my mind was blank, that's until last night popped in my mind. I tried to think of what my dad probably was thinking...

"I told you he was no good!"

"Don't wait until now to defy me!"

Other scenarios flooded my mind and that's when I decided that it wasn't worth the headache.

I was silent as I heard the door creak open. I faced the other way, so Chris couldn't tell if I was awake or not. I felt the mattress go down. I turned over, seeing Chris had sat down. He wasn't looking at me, his back faced me. He picked up his phone and stared at it for awhile. It made a ding sound and he sighed.

"Chris... " I whispered.

He looked over his shoulder and placed his phone on his nightstand. "I was just about to wake you up." He uttered. He placed a gently kiss on my forehead.

"What time is it?" I asked with a yawn.

"Five in the morning." He said. "I should take you back home... Before your dad notices you're gone."

"Maybe five more minutes?" I murmured. I quickly threw the blankets over my head.

"No baby, come on." He said and I could hear him smiling. His hands gripped the blankets and he slowly took the blankets away from me. They now covered have of my body.

Chris stood up straight looking at me. "You slept well?"

I nodded and slowly parted from the blankets. I crawled off of the bed. "It's so early." I grumbled. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned against his chest.

"I know, I know. But-"

"I wish I can stay with you..." I whined.

"Baby, I gotta' take you to school anyway. In a couple hours we'll be together all day, alright?" He kissed my forehead once again.



"You think your mom saw us?" I quizzed.

Chris put both of his hands on the steering wheel as he turned into my neighborhood. Once he was driving straight, one of his hands played with his chin hairs and the other remained on the wheel.

"I... Don't think so..." He said. "I don't even remember if she was home when we walked in. What time was that anyway?"

"I honestly don't remember." I mumbled, resting my head against my fist. He glanced at me quickly before placing his hand against my thigh, rubbing it a little.

"You good?" He asked. I nod as a yawn escapes and I rub my eyes afterwards. "Sleepy huh?"


He slowly pulled up in front of my house. He shifts the gear to park then looks at me. Chris stares at me for awhile then chuckles slightly. "You know you snore when you sleep?"

I roll my eyes and take my seatbelt off. "Yeah." I grumbled with attitude. He chuckled again and leaned back in his chair.

I didn't want to leave, but I know I had too. I love being around him and I hate being apart. I decided to just stay for five minutes in the car with him, I leaned back.

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