Chapter 11

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dedicating this chapter too quezzy_


I groaned as my alarm went off. Hitting the snooze button, I tried to get comfortable. When I turned the side of my face hit an object. "What the hell?" I murmured when I see my phone on my pillow. I stared at it confused for awhile. I touched the screen to see I was still on the phone with Miya. I put the phone to my ear.

"Miya?" I asked to see if she was awake yet. I heard a few muffle sounds. After awhile she hung up. Guess someone's not a morning person. I smirked to myself. As I stood up straight I felt my shoulder cramp up.

Our conversation yesterday night to this early morning was interesting. And that's all I a have to say about that. Since I only have to refer to her as a friend and that's all.

Thank God it's Friday. I'm ready to go to school and come back home. Everyday I wake up thankful this is my last year in high school. I'm not going to miss it at all.

I sat down on the kitchen counter with my legs hanging off; eating cereal. My phone rang. I looked at it to see who was calling me. I juggled the bowl in my hand and put the phone between my ear and shoulder.

"What's up, what's up?" I said in between my munching and crunching.

"Cooling. But can you give me a ride?" Thomas asked. "My car's not starting." His car never wants to start, I laugh to myself.

"I got you. Just meet me outside." I finished up my cereal.

Thomas lives right across the street from me. That's how it's always been. That's part of the reason to why we are so close.

  I walk outside to meet Thomas standing next to my car. I approached him; he stuffed his phone in his pocket as we dapped up.

"So what's going on with your car?" I ask, as we got into my car.

"I think the battery dead or something." He said as he kissed his teeth. "I need a new car for real. That jawn old."

I pulled out of my driveway and out of the neighborhood. I turned on the radio, tuning to my favorite station as I turned into the street.

Thomas' car always has problems. I thought, imagined, about how we would soon be finished with high school and off to college. If all goes well, we could play for the pros... By then we'll have a lot of money, no need to worry about a car not being able to start.

"In a few years, we gonna be ballin' no joke! Then you don't she to worry about yo' car not starting!" I exclaimed. "Making money, playing basketball. Having some bad ass females."

Thomas and I both sighed in joy. "Having more than two cars, so I won't have to deal with one starting or not." He continued stating our dreams for the future.

We both share the same dream of playing professional basketball. No one ever took us serious when we were kids, but now that we're grown, somewhat, everyone sees that it wasn't some joke. We use to play basketball for the boys and girls club, back in middle school.

Three years ago, when we entered High school, we weren't playing. We tried out for basketball and made the varsity team. We were the only two ninth graders on varsity. I think that contributes to my huge ego. Since then, nonstop practicing. My mom always use to tell me, if I worked as hard for my schoolwork as I did for basketball I would've been in honor classes. My grades weren't even bad in ninth and tenth, they were actually pretty good. Then eleventh grade came around and I was slacking. Now in twelfth, first quarter was awful, but I think I'm doing good now in second. At least I'd like to think.

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