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Julie finally recieved a response from multiple editorials that wanted to distribute her book. She was surprised by the interest about the book, but everyone offered an interesting amount of money. She took the offer that benefitiated her the most, and the book had a date to be released.
It was something she had dreamed of, this book was going to be a success and that was obvious, but she couldn't stop thinking about Lana. Clearly, she either didn't care about her voicemail, didn't listen to it or she's still mad.
Julie was still avoiding her friends, avoiding to go out.
To her surprise, her life was way better now that she had cut off her parents for life. It had always been in the back of her mind, but not having them on her life had solved many problems, it was like getting one houndred pounds off her back. She didn't feel pressured to prove anything to anyone but herself right now, and that made her feel better. However, all she wanted was to talk to Lana. Just one last conversation. But she couldn't ask her friends about where she was, couldn't ask anyone. God knows where the hell Lana is. It's impossible to find her, she knows well how to hide. Maybe the best is to give up, 'cause the truth is that now she sees she was definitly wrong and she lost the one who could have been the love of her life because of that mistake, and all she can do that is accept that and try to move on. She's already sick of crying and being sad and wants to get out of it.

Julie calls her closest friends to see if they can hang out with her, and they all agreed. When they met, Julie was honest about everything that had happend with Lana and how she thinks she has messed up badly. They all console her and tell her everything will be alright, and that they will be there for her. Because she has to face the reality that she will never see Lana again.

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