Chapter 4

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*Two weeks later*

I am walking to a park and it's about 5:00. Austin said he would meet me on Rose Avenue right about now. The sun was setting slowly and I could hear the trees rustling in the wind. It was so peaceful. As I walk I wonder why he wants me to meet him. He probably has something really cute planned for us. My mind was filled with happy thoughts as I walked along the sidewalk.

I only have two more blocks to walk when I hear a strange noise behind me.  I stop to listen, only to hear dead silence. Assuming it was just the wind and the trees, I continue walking. It was so silent I could hear myself breath; and maybe somebody else too. I am cautious with my steps to make sure that I am alone. I turn around to see what it is but I don't see anything but a silhouette of what it looks like, a person. I giggle and think it's Austin.

"Austin! Don't try to scare me! It's not going to work!" I giggle and  keep walking. Then I hear the same exact noise from the first two times. I suppose it's Austin again. This time, when I turn around, a fist slams into the middle of my face. I fall down from the excruciating pain, and hold my probably broken nose. Definitely not Austin.

 When I'm laying down on the ground, a dark figure is hovering over me and says, "Hey pretty face, I'm not Austin, and when I'm finished with you, you won't be so pretty anymore."

His voice is sharp and so are his movements. Before I had time to recover from the blow to my nose, he kicks me in the ribs. I cry out in pain and do the only thing I could at the moment: "STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I croak. I could hear is labored breathing as he took out all of his energy into each and every punch or kick.

I was crying and  I am now covered in blood from his non-stop hitting. The blood was rushing to my head and I swear I was bruised and broken all over. I had no idea what had happened. It all happened too quickly for me to register. All I know is: I might die. If I had a few more punches to the head, I maybe wouldn't be conscious right now. I'm just glad that I can still breath. The bleeding won't stop and my clothes are drenched in a dark red fluid. After what it seems and hour of beating I finally manage to speak again,

"Why are you hurting me?" My voice is weak and vulnerable.

 I can hear the anger in his voice when he speaks, "Your little boyfriend, Austin, took my girl away from me, then broke her heart!"

I was so shocked, what was this guy saying? Did Austin not tell me something really important? I was speechless, so he continues talking, "Now I think it's time to get rid of his girlfriend. For good."

He laughs maliciously and I recoil in fear. He starts to pick me off of the ground and I react quickly, knowing what he was going to do. I shove my knee into his lower region, and he cries out in pain.

He curses and yells, "You're done! I am going to kill you!"

Just before he could do anything else, Austin comes out of nowhere and stops him. I remember seeing pounding fists and bloody faces. Austin threw a few good punches, but so did the other guy. The last thing I see is Austin hovering over me, trying to calm me down. But before he knew it, I passed out.

(Austin's POV)

The girl I love lays in front of me, bloody and broken. I can't believe I let this happen to her. If only I came 5 minutes earlier. I should have known something bad happened to her if she didn't respond to my text message right away. I am to blame for everything. This would have never happened if it weren't for me.

"Mickenna! Stay with me! Please!" I practically scream at the dying body in front of me. Tears are streaming down my face, and there is no stopping them.

"Mickenna!" I yell one more time, and put my mouth against hers, trying to keep her alive.

The cops come to take the murderer away, and they are now trying to get me away from Mickenna's body.

"NO! LET GO OF ME! NO!" I yell and try to get out of the cops grip. I am not letting them take her away from me. I know they won't let me into the hospital to see her.

"Excuse me, we are going to take her to the hospital right away, she is in critical condition." said the woman in the ambulance truck.

"Please let me come with you!" I was literally begging and the woman said yes.

I climbed into the truck and stroked Mickenna's hair and lightly kissed her blood covered cheek.

"It's going to be alright Kenna." I whisper in her ear, even though I know she can't hear me.

**In the hospital**

"Mr. Austin Mahone?" the doctor said walking into the waiting room.

I jumped from my seat and ran towards the doctor. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

"Well, Mickenna is in a really bad condition, but she will be able to wake up in the morning. Luckily she does not have amnesia, which is a miracle due to damage done to her head."

I look with expectant eyes, waiting for him to say what I've been waiting for.

"And yes - you may go into the room."

I said, "Thank you." but I doubt he heard it, considering I was already pushing past people to get to her room.

I walk in and sit next to her. She looks beautiful even broken. I listened to her heart beating and kissed her lightly on her cheek. I started to sing, "She Will Be Loved" and stayed with her the whole night. I woke up every hour to kiss her and make sure she was alright.

*In the morning*

(Mickenna's POV)

I wake up in a bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I am laying down, and say to myself, "I had the weirdest dream last night."

Then I see Austin right in front of me and I realize it wasn't a dream. Austin brought me to the hospital last night. That's probably why I'm attached to so many tubes. I feel very delicate my body is sore. Just the thought of what happened last night sent shivers down my spine. The fear inside me was written all over my face.

Austin read me like an open book. He looks me dead in the eyes and says,

"I think this is the right time to tell you why everything just happened."

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