Chapter 23

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2 months later 

I walk into the hospital, and the women at the front greet me. I have been here so many times in the past two months. Well actually, I never really left. I was here everyday and mostly sitting next to Mickenna. Whenever the doctors told me to leave her room, I did little performances for the children in the hospital. They all loved it. I walked around the hospital, talking and visiting people. The children were wonderful. I didn't realize how many of my fans had illnesses. It really upsets me that they can't go to my concerts because of their health condition. I made the best of the hospital by singing to them every morning, and every night.

Lately, I have been going to performances all over Florida. I haven't really had time to see Mickenna recently. It upsets me that I haven't been there for a while. I could only come on short visits. I was really busy and couldn't make it to see Mickenna too often. I was starting to get a lot more fame, and getting mobbed is practically a routine now. Everywhere I go, girls crowd around me in record time. It's sad to know that I can't go anywhere without having screaming teenagers running after me. Especially when I am unhappy, and really just want to be by myself.

"Austin! We haven't seen you in so long!" Gloria exclaimed

Gloria is an older woman. She's so kind, but she still has an edge even with her being older. Her white hair looks good on her, and her eyes are like the color of the sky.

"I know, I have been busy lately. How are you doing Miss Gloria? " I say walking towards her

"I'm okay. There's not much going on here."

"How's Mickenna doing?" I ask

"She's doing just fine, Austin." she pats my hand

I stare at her warm and comforting eyes for a while until she says, "Now don't just stand here! Go up there and see your girl!"

I chuckle and start running towards Mickenna's room. When I walk in, I am almost relieved that she isn't awake. Almost as if I don't want her to wake up without me standing beside her. I take my jacket off and sit down beside her. Oh please wake up love. I think to myself.

"Wake up Kenna," I say stroking her hair

"for me..." I whisper

(Mickenna's POV)

I can hear him talking to me. I can feel him sitting next to me right now, his soft hands touching me. I wish I could just open my eyes and see him. If I could only move my body, and touch him. If I could only open my mouth, and thank him for being there for me. He has never left my side. I know he left and came back a few times. I could feel the emptiness in the room when he did. He's famous. He can't be with me all the time. I know that. But what makes me really happy is that he missed so much…for me.

I don't know how any of this happened. Last thing I remember is getting put into the gurney and the emergency vehicle rushing me to the hospital. Although I am in a coma, I am aware of what's going on. I know when Austin is here, and when he's not. Even if I can't see him, I know what he's thinking and how he feels. I can hear the doctors talking about how it's abnormal for me to be in a coma. And there's nothing I can do. Sometimes I wish I could just wake up and yell, "I'm awake! Here I am! You don't have to worry anymore!" But I can't. I'm a living girl in a dead person's body. I can think and that's all I can do.

Thinking about how Austin feels  makes me so upset. I wish I could wake up from this terrible coma and hold him. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if he was in a coma and I all I could do was be there next to him. I can't bring myself to feel how it is to be in his shoes, because it would just be too painful. If I were to look at the love of my life in a coma, all I would be doing is sobbing. But Austin, he's staying strong. And I love and appreciate that so much. 

Come on. Open your eyes. Move. Do something! You can do it Mickenna. Just open those eyes and wake up from this terrible nightmare. It can't possibly be that difficult. You just have to find a way to make your body wake up. I am practically physically dead. Think about how Austin feels. He has been sitting next to you for who knows how long. His eyes can't make any more tears he's cried so much. Every night I had to hear him sobbing, while gripping my hand. Think about how much pain you've put him through. He can't have faith forever. He is going to lose hope sooner or later. How can't have him give up on you. Move.

I put all of my energy into waking up from this coma. Almost there. The dark blackness of the coma is gone and my eyes flutter open to see the light. I never appreciated the light as much as I do now. It was like being blind. I see Austin and there is nothing more I want than to hold him again.

(Austin's POV)

I feel Mickenna's hand move in mine, and I look over to see her eyes flutter open. I can't seem to register what is going on at first, but when her hand squeezes mine,  I know she's back. I feel happy, confused, sad, and excited all at the same time. The emotions overwhelm me the longer I look at Mickenna. She look very weak and her head is turned sideways to make eye contact with me. The tears well up in my eyes and I can't help them from spilling out onto my face. Our eyes are locked for a long time before she speaks.

"I missed you." she says softly

"I missed you too." I can feel my bottle lip tremble as I speak

I stand up out of my chair and lean down to kiss her. I long for the way her lips feel on mine. The way our tongues would fight for dominance. But something about this kiss is not like the others. We are going at a slower pace, and I like it. I dreamt of this kiss before; it's the kiss that we do when we haven't seen each other in a long time. She brings her hand up to the back of my neck and pushes my body closer to hers, so that our chest are touching. It's heavenly, really. They way her soft lips brush over mine again and again. The kiss is slow, it doesn't have the fire but it still keeps it's spark. Our lips move in sync and all I can think of is that I hope it never ends. Her breathing starts to get heavy and I pull away. I bring my hand up to her face, and brush my thumb over her pale skin.

"You have no idea how much I love you." I mumble

At this point she starts crying too. The tears run slowly down her cheeks and she wipes them away with the back off her hand.

(Mickenna's POV)

I did it. I woke up. I finally did it. I woke up from the terrible coma that has kept me disconnected from the rest of the world. When I opened my eyes I was beyond happy to see Austin sitting right there holding my hand. I have no idea for how long I have been unconscious. I'm just happy that I'm back. There aren't words to explain how much I missed Austin. The way his lips felt on mine comforted me. He makes me feel like I am the only girl in the world. And I love him. Oh how I love him so much. I can feel the hot tears running down my face and I wipe them away quickly. We sit there for a long time just crying and holding each other.

"Let's go home yeah?" I sniffle

A smile spreads over Austin's face and he nods eagerly. Even though we can't go home right away, we'll pack up and see when the doctors allow us to go home. I attempt to get up from the hospital bed to only realize that I am connected to machines. I hear Austin talking outside and my heart leaps at the fact that we are actually going home. I was so used to having him with me all the time that I didn't know what it would be like to be away from him. I'm dependent on him just as much as he is on me. I don't think we could live without each other. He is the only bright light in my life. He is the only one that can make me feel love. He is the only one who can be mine. I entwine my fingers with his and pull him closer to me. I press his body against mine and nuzzle my face into his chest.

"I love you." I mumble into his shirt

"I love you too." he says rubbing circles on my back 

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