Chapter 27

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I watch as Stella is being hauled away by a large man, and Alex puts his hand on my shoulder. I completely forgot that he was even here because of the outburst with Stella. She left a few marks on me with her fake nails, and the scratches are a bright shade of red. Everyone in the shop is looking at me; but I don’t care. I’m content with myself because I slapped her.

She has caused me so much trouble in the past few months than I have ever experienced in my entire life. She has found ways to humiliate me, hurt me, and take away everyone and everything I love. I never thought this would happen to me; and when it did, it took me by surprise. I was like a deer in the headlights. I stood there staring as everything came closer, and more dangerous, and the train is about to hit me.

My chest is going up and down, and my hair is a mess on top of my head. I push some hair out of my eyes, and look around me.

“Mickenna you’re going to get yourself into more trouble than you are already in.” Alex says

I walk past him and look over my shoulder, “The bitch deserved it.”

                                                     *      *      *      *      *

I have made up my mind, and I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to kill Stella. When I told her I was going to kill her, I wasn’t kidding. I’m actually planning a way to murder her. I know that this sounds crazy, but seriously, I’m desperate. I need to get rid of her; and fast. I can’t stand her existence, and she needs to be gone. I know where she lives, and all I need to know is the right time to take her life.

I haven’t told anyone about this plan because they will try to stop me. I can’t blame them, if my friend was going to commit murder, I would try to stop them too. But I can’t trust anyone anymore, and I need to do this by myself. Everyone has forgotten about me, my mom, my friends, Austin’s friends, and even Austin himself. It’s not like they’ll notice me being gone.

All I need is to kill her and come back before anyone suspects anything. Of course, with all the technology these days, they’ll figure out it’s me. But if that means, going to jail and knowing Stella is dead, then I’ll be fine with that. She gets on my every nerve, and I’ll do anything to get rid of her. She has ruined my life, and it’s only fair if I take hers. She deserves it after all. Karma’s a bitch, and her name is Mickenna.

I can’t stop smiling because of my plan. It seems so thrilling; almost exciting. I can’t wait until I see the life fade from her eyes, and her body goes limp. I probably sound like I’ve gone crazy, and I probably have. I really want her dead; it’s the only thing I want in the world right now.

I walk around, trying to occupy myself and think happy thoughts. I see children playing, girls gossiping, and everyone seems to be in a good mood; except me. I have found it difficult to be in a good mood recently. I haven’t been the same person I was a few months ago. The time that I’ve been dating Austin has been absolute hell. But in hell, I also felt so many emotions- lust, passion, and especially love.

If going through hell means being with Austin, I would do it again. I’m not sure what has gotten into me. I have been a lovesick girl since I met him. I never knew the power of love until I was under its curse. Love makes you a different person. It consumes every part of you, taking away your normal way of thinking, and everything that you thought you had control over. Every time I see Austin, I can’t control myself. The desire to feel him is insane. I guess that the people in movies were right- love is crazy.

Not one second of the day passes by without me thinking about Austin. My mind thinks about other things; yes, but I never really stop thinking about him. Everything I say or do is because of him, and my whole world revolves around him. I know I sound so foolish and silly right now, but this is how it’s like. I can’t change now, this is who I am today and will be forever.

Austin loves me- there’s no doubt about that. I just don’t know if my love is enough for him anymore. He’s starting to get more famous, and he’s getting a lot of female attention.  I get more and more death threats each day, and I don’t know if I can take it. It’s been a crazy few months for me on this rollercoaster, but I think it’s time to get off. It’s been one hell of a ride, but I’ve had my fun.

I sit down at the nearest coffee shop and let the memories pull me back. I think of all the wonderful times I’ve had with Austin, and it brings tears to my eyes. I remember all the “I love you’s” and all the kisses and hugs. I’m going to miss all of that, but I have to do what needs to be done. I love Austin with all my heart, and if I really love him, then I need to let him live his dream. I’m constantly getting in his way, and causing him nothing but trouble. He’ll be better off without me.

I shake my head, and look at the blank notepad in front of me. I need to stop thinking about Austin, he’s just invading my thoughts like usual. I need to focus on what’s important. I pick up the perfectly sharpened pencil, and write on the paper.

On the top of the paper, it reads:

“Revenge at its finest”

(I'm not allowed to enter the Watty Awards because this story is Rated R :( but we're so close to the end and I'm really excited! please vote and comment xx.) 

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