The sea dogs, Part 9

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One-Eyed Jack pondered Mer-Mer's words, a calculating gleam in his lone eye. The old cat had spun a chilling tale of ancient curses and dark magic, but the lure of immense wealth was hard to resist. The pirate captain glanced down at the pouch on his belt where the Queen's diamonds now resided, their glittering promise whispering seductively to his greedy heart.

"A curse, ye say?" One-Eyed Jack mused, stroking his grizzled chin thoughtfully. "Aye, 'tis a risk, to be sure. But what's life without a little danger, eh lads?"

The crew murmured their agreement, their eyes shining with avarice and reckless bravado. They were pirates, after all - men and cats who laughed in the face of peril, who chased fortune across storm-tossed seas and plundered ancient treasures from forgotten tombs. What was one Pharaoh queen's hex compared to the plunder that now lay within their grasp?

"I say we keep the stones!" declared a burly tom with a peg leg and a tattered ear. "Let the curse come, if it dares! We'll meet it with steel and shot, just like any other foe!"

"Aye!" chorused the others, their voices rising in a defiant cheer. "The necklace is ours, fair and square! No ghost or ghoul will pry it from our claws!"

One-Eyed Jack grinned fiercely, his fangs glinting in the moonlight. "Well said, me hearties! We'll not be cowed by some long-dead monarch's spite. These diamonds are the key to a life of plenty - rum, revelry, and all the mice we can eat! And if ill luck should dog our steps...well, we'll just have to be cleverer than the curse, won't we?"

The crew roared their approval, their spirits bolstered by their captain's words. They began to fantasize about the extravagant delights they would soon enjoy - mountains of golden coins, casks of the finest whiskey, beautiful she-cats draped in silks and jewels. The Queen's necklace had become more than mere treasure to them now; it was a talisman of their wildest dreams made manifest.

Mer-Mer watched the spectacle unfold with a sinking heart. His desperate ploy had backfired spectacularly. Instead of frightening the pirates into releasing him, he had only inflamed their lust for wealth and glory. Now they would surely keep the diamonds, blithely ignoring the deadly hex in their blind greed...

One of the pirates inquired, "What should we do with him?"

 The One-eyed Jack chuckled and replied, "We'll send a letter to the king, the queen, and the cardinal. Whoever offers the highest price, we'll sell it to them."

Mer-Mer paused dramatically and his eyes glittered. Sharp Moustache leaned closer, completely entranced.

"I knew I had to think fast," Mer-mer continued. "My life depended on it. So I put on my most pitiful expression and said, "Please, One-Eyed Jack, surely a businessman like you sees that there's more to be gained here than just betraying me?"

The pirate squinted his eyes suspiciously. 

"What do you mean, kitten?"

"Think about it," I grumbled. "If you betray me, you'll get a one-time reward. But if you keep me alive, I can lead you to treasures you never dreamed of. After all, I was a royal spy - I know where all the secrets of the kingdom are buried."

One-Eyed Jack stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Go on..."

"I can see the greed shining in One-Eyed Jack's single eye," Mer-Mer said. "He leaned in close, and his sour breath made my mustache bristle. 'What treasures are we talking about, kitten?"

I made myself most mysterious. 'Oh, the usual - gold, gems, priceless artefacts. But also... maps. Secret maps to hidden caches all over the kingdom.'

 The pirate's eyes widened. You say maps?' 

I nodded my head solemnly. 'Indeed. The Cardinal has been amassing riches for years, preparing for... well, let's just say he has big plans. And I know where it's all hidden.' 

One-Eyed Jack scratched his shaggy chin. 'How do I know you're not lying?' 

I smiled slyly at One-Eyed Jack. "You don't. But what have you got to lose? Keep me prisoner for now. If I lie, you can always rat me out later for the reward. But if I tell the truth...

The pirate captain smiled, revealing a mouthful of rotting teeth. 

All right, kitten. Buy yourself some time. But hopefully this isn't a scam.

He ordered his crew to take me to the foot of the deck and confine me to my cell. As I was being dragged, I caught a glimpse of the ground, which was lost in the distance. We were heading out to sea. For days I toiled in that damp cell, plotting my escape. The ship creaked and groaned around me as we drifted unknowingly. Occasionally One-Eyed Jack would come to me and talk. Until one morning the sails of a great sailing ship showed on the horizon. It was sheathed in sheet metal and long metal guns protruded from the deck.

Damn! A warship!" roared One-Eyed Jack. Hoist all sails.

They all ran because they knew their lives depended on it. If the warship  caught up with them a plunge cheap enough to zip them to the bottom of the ocean.

The sailboat picked up speed, but the wind wasn't strong enough. 

They'll catch up with us!" roared one-eyed Jack. Throw everything overboard!

First overboard flew the guns, then some of the provisions, the kegs of rum...Finally there was almost nothing left to throw. The ship lightened, but at the same time the wind died down and we almost stopped moving.

Damn!" roared One-Eyed Jack. Prepare for battle!

The pirates realized they weren't going to escape and prepared on deck for an attack. At the same time, the battleship howled, and an eldritch boom came from its guns.

The pirate ship shuddered and the mainmast snapped in two. The sails fell to the deck, red with the blood of the dead and wounded pirates.

Surrender now  and we will give you a quick death!" the captain of the warship shouted. 

With him, hundreds of warriors, armed to the teeth, poured onto the pirate corvette.

We were lost...

And them what... jumped Sharp Mustaches.

Rise and fight!", One-Eyed Jack cut the ropes and handed me a sharp sabre. The warriors will hang you anyway... At least take a few to hell with you.

What happened then, Dad?

What could happen... except a life and death struggle... Our ship had caught fire and at any moment the powder kegs could explode... And that would be the end for everyone... except...

Except what?" asked Sharp Moustache impatiently.

Unless we beat the warriors to the teeth and get over to their ship before ours explodes or sinks...

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